Nebraska State Climate Office

Precipitation outlook map

Weekly Weather Update and Outlook: Sept. 14, 2023

September 14, 2023
Nebraska has three chances at precipitation throughout the next week, which falls in line with the latest CPC forecast that favors above average temperatures and precipitation for most of the remainder of the month.

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Temperature outlook

Weekly Weather Update and Outlook: Aug. 31, 2023

August 31, 2023
Nebraska is entering another stretch of hot weather, beginning September with well above average temperatures and low chances for rainfall.

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Soil moisture map of US

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 24, 2023

August 24, 2023
Minimal precipitation and intense heat this week led to dangerous conditions for livestock in Nebraska, and soil moisture and crop conditions are expected to show decline in next week's reports.

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Heat wave sunrise on wheat farm
In addition to intense heat, the next decent chance of rain for the main corn-soybean producing sections of the state is likely 10-14 days out.

Emerging Issue: Hot and Dry Finish to August

August 18, 2023
Nebraska will experience above-average temperatures next week, and with meager to no precipitation anticipated, the heat will undoubtedly have an impact on rainfed crops that are stressed or on the verge of stress.

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Seven day drought improvement map

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 17, 2023

August 17, 2023
Despite significant improvements in drought conditions, much of Nebraska is still lacking deep soil moisture. August precipitation will be critical for the soybean crop, as most areas don't have the capacity to get into September without it.

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July precipitation map

July Brings Drought Relief and Seasonally Cool Temperatures

August 11, 2023
July of 2023 might best be remembered for its storminess, pleasant temperatures, untimely hailstorms, slow wheat harvest, and historic drought in eastern Nebraska.

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Drought Monitor map

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 10, 2023

August 10, 2023
Last week's rainfall improved Nebraska's overall drought status by 11%, a significant improvement over three months ago when 99% of the state was in some level of drought.

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Drought monitor

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 3, 2023

August 3, 2023
In the last week, numerous areas in the eastern half of the state received upwards of five inches of rain, relieving severe drought conditions in several counties — particularly in central Nebraska.

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