Nebraska Extension

Chris Proctor presenting to farmers
Figure 1. Chris Proctor, Nebraska Extension weed science educator, presents considerations for interseeding cover crops in corn at one of the 2016 Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic. (Photos by Deloris Pittman)

4 Summer Clinics to Target Timely Crop Production Topics

June 20, 2017
Get hands-on training on soil health, precision agriculture, soybean production and corn production at this year's Nebraska Extension Crop Management and Diagnostic Clinics. The four all-day learning events will include field demos and training, research updates, and opportunities to discuss topics with key experts.

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Snowy Sherman County Field May 1, 2017

Extension Crop Reports May 1-5

May 1, 2017
Extension Educator crop and field reports from across the state are compiled here weekly.

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NU-AIRE graphic
NU-AIRE graphic

Extension Home Study Course Prepares Drone Pilots for Exam

April 25, 2017

If you are interested in earning your Part 107 Remote Pilot certificate so that you can fly unmanned aircraft (drones) for commercial purposes, a new Nebraska Extension home study course will be of interest to you.

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Field crop scout training in 2016
A mix of classroom and hands-on training offers beginning crop scouts opportunities to learn and test their understanding in this compact, one-day format.

Entry-Level Field Crop Scout Training May 10

April 21, 2017

Growers and industry representatives wanting to learn how to better manage corn and soybean pests are encouraged to register for Nebraska Extension’s Field Crop Scout Training May 10 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, formerly the Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead.

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NebGuide image

New or Revised Nebraska Extension Crop Production Publications

April 6, 2017

The following crop related publications were recently released by Nebraska Extension. Find the full library of Nebraska Extension publications at

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Grain Marketing Workshops this Month

March 10, 2017

Location- and commodity-specific grain marketing information will be presented during the Nebraska Extension Grain Marketing Workshops to be held across Nebraska this winter. The meetings will provide information and tools to help grain producers minimize losses during this time of low prices.

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Women in Ag Sidney Conference

Women in Agriculture Conference April 7 at Sidney

March 9, 2017

The Women in Agriculture Conference: Improving Agriculture, Improving Lives will feature information and advice on a range of subjects, including: coping with stress, preserving food, creating sustainable landscapes, setting priorities, and preparing for disasters.

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Photo of sorghum and corn fields side by side from Sorghum Symposium presentation

Sorghum Speakers on Lowering Costs, Increasing Profitability

March 7, 2017
Managing production costs to maximize profitability was a key theme at the 2017 Nebraska Sorghum Symposium. Managing herbicide-resistant, yield-robbing weeds was part of that message, as shared by Nebraska and national speakers focusing on sorghum production. Five of these presentations are shared here. The event was sponsored by the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board, Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association, and Nebraska Extension.

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