Nebraska Extension Event

Tour participants
Daran Rudnick, Nebraska Extension irrigation management specialist, speaks to participants during a past Water, Crops and Soil Health Field Day. (CropWatch file photo)

WCREEC Set to Host Annual Water and Crops Field Day

August 10, 2022
This year’s sessions will feature in-field soil health trial demos, a producer panel on current ag challenges like global supply chain issues, plus expert insights into the future on fertilizer and ag chemical availability for next year.

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Panhandle plots
A view of some of the research plots surrounding the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center. (CropWatch file photo)

Explore New Research and Technology at Panhandle Tour Aug. 23

August 10, 2022
Free to attend, the field day includes plot tours that will highlight research on pulse crops, sensor-based irrigation, breeding program and white mold updates for dry beans, and pest management in sunflowers.

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CMDC crowd
Attendees listen to a Nebraska Extension research update on soybean production at a past Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic.

Nebraska Extension Provides In-field Training in August on Corn and Soybean Production

August 5, 2022
Eight CCA credits have been approved for this year's clinics, which will feature the latest research on crop genetics, irrigation, insect and weed management, plant pathology, soil fertility and live on-site plot demos.

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Amit Jhala at SCAL field day
Amit Jhala, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture associate professor and extension weed management specialist, discusses management of glyphosate-resistant weeds in corn and soybean.

2022 Weed Management Field Day Presentations Available Online

August 2, 2022
This year's demos featured weed control in corn and soybean that included efficacy, crop safety and comparison of new herbicides and non-chemical methods for weed control.

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Soybean Management Field Day field demo
Free to attend, the 2022 Soybean Management Field Days will be held at four farms in Nebraska: Blue Hill, Central City, Brownville and Decatur.

Immersive Demonstrations Planned for Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 9-12

July 13, 2022
Growers will be able to ask cropping system experts about production concerns and receive complimentary identification of their soybean crop issues at this free Nebraska Extension event.

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Aerial view of field

See Latest Field Research at South Central Ag Lab Field Day Aug. 4

July 12, 2022
Guests can choose from numerous crop production tours to suit their interests in soil health and management of nutrients, crop diseases, insects, weeds and irrigation.

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Pasture in Nebraska
CropWatch file photo

Forage Field Day on Aug. 4 at Haskell Ag Lab

July 12, 2022
This year's Forage Field Day will feature numerous sessions geared toward forage growers in Nebraska, including silage production and harvest, nitrogen management, cover crops and alternative forages.

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Youth at field day
Brad Ramsdale, professor of agronomy at the Nebraska College for Technical Agriculture, discusses plant and weed identification with a group of youth at a previous Youth Agronomy Field Day. (Photo by Kathy Burr)

Agronomy Youth Field Day Kicks Off July 6

June 28, 2022
Nebraska youth will spend the day immersed in activities to learn more about weed identification, plant growth stages, insect management, using ag tech for irrigation management, and more.

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