Odor plumes from land application of manure
Odor plumes from land application of manure

Timing Manure Application to Avoid Neighbor Nuisances

August 14, 2018
Roughly half of all neighbor complaints of livestock odors originate from land application of manure. This article outlines the weather conditions to consider when planning a manure application.

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Irrigation in corn near a cattle feedlot with cattle
Irrigating diluted animal manures on growing crops can work if you ask the right questions. (Photo by Larry Howard)

Can I Irrigate Animal Manures On Growing Crops?

June 27, 2018
Recent heavy rains have many feedlot holding ponds full and operators looking for irrigation options to apply animal manure during the growing season. Here are some considerations for applying diluted animal manures without damaging the crop.

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Land-applied manure
Research to validate or adapt canopy sensor-guided in-season N application practices for manured fields was evaluated in two trials.

Adaptation of Canopy Sensor-Guided In-Season Nitrogen Application for Manured Fields

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on research on land application of manure to enhance soil nutrients for crop production.

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Figure 1. Land-applied manure from finishing 5 million beef cattle per year in Nebraska contains the equivalent of 150 lb/ac/yr N applied to 1.2 million acres.
Figure 1. Land-applied manure from finishing 5 million beef cattle per year in Nebraska contains the equivalent of 150 lb/ac/yr N applied to 1.2 million acres.

Fertilizer N Substitution Values of Land-Applied Organic Materials

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics on accounting for nitrogen from land-applied manure when determining soil nutrient needs for crop production.

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Manure spreader

Manure’s Impact on Yield, Nitrogen, and Carbon

May 3, 2018
If manure is applied at rates equal to or less than the nitrogen (N) requirement of a crop, can manure produce environmental benefits over commercial fertilizer? This article summarizes the "Take Home Messages" from a paper summarizing 141 studies relative to the question.

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Figure 1. Coal combustion residue is being mixed into manure for land application.
Figure 1. Coal combustion residue is being mixed into manure for land application. Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are addressing organic N and opportunities for improving N efficiency in the soil. (Photo by Bijesh Maharjan)

Improving the Efficiency of Applied Organic N

April 11, 2018
University of Nebraska research is offering new insights into plant use efficiency of organic N resources such as livestock manure, municipal bio-solids, and others. The studies continue through 2018 and are expected to influence changes in university recommendations.

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Nutrient Management for Organic Production

April 5, 2018
The NebGuide, Nutrient Management in Organic Farming, features information also of value to conventional production, including manure management, composting, non-traditional products, and crop rotation suggestions.

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Manure application into cereal rye cover crop in the fall

Research Updates

April 4, 2018
Briefs on university crop research, this week featuring flame weeding research in northeast Nebraska and the effects of liquid manure injection into a winter rye cover crop as tested in on-farm trials in Minnesota.

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