manure spreader operating in a field

Maximizing Profitability of Manure Use

October 1, 2021
Commercial fertilizer and manure work together well, but only if you know how many nutrients you’re putting out in manure so that you can cut back some on commercial fertilizers and save that expense.

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Corn silage

Manure Application Following Silage

August 18, 2021
Animal Manure Management Extension Educator Leslie Johnson discusses how to develop your manure application plan, including best stewardship practices for optimum rates and application methods.

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Feedyard in aerial view
Figure 1. Animal Feeding Operation near Lubbock, Texas.

Manure Phosphorus and Water Quality

April 1, 2021
For producers who seek to decrease their dependency on commercial fertilizers, this article reviews proper management of nutrient content of manure, while highlighting phosphorus issues and solutions.

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Land Application Training sessions billboard

2021 Land Application Training Shifts to Hybrid Learning

January 6, 2021
Beginning February, the Animal Manure Management team will use a combination of virtual and in-person sessions to complete land application training for 2021.

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snow covered manure
Manure application on frozen or snow-covered soil poses a higher risk of nutrient loss through runoff.

Tips for Winter Manure Application

December 2, 2020
A blanket of fresh white snow and icicles hanging from the trees and fences make for beautiful winter photos. They don’t, however, make for beautiful manure application weather.

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livestock operation manure pile

Palmer Amaranth Seeds in Manure - What Can You Do?

October 29, 2020
There are several ways seeds of Palmer amaranth can be introduced into your fields. Manure is one of them. This article provides some valuable answers on reducing Palmer amaranth seed in feed, reducing Palmer amaranth seed in manure and field application of contaminated manure.

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manure spreader

Managing Weed Seeds in Manure

October 8, 2020
A survey found that fresh manure on dairy farms had an average of 75,000 seeds per ton. But, luckily, there are some measures that can be taken to reduce the viability of those weed seeds.

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pie graph showing manure use

What Are the Barriers and Benefits of Manure Use in Cropping Systems? (part 2 of 2)

August 19, 2020
Understanding the ag community's perceptions of manure's benefits and barriers is important to recycling manure nutrients efficiently. A recent survey is helping us understand the next steps to encouraging manure's use as a valuable asset.

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