
Water droplets

The crop water use report is updated weekly. Visit PHREC AgLab for more information.

Estimated Crop Water Use for May 15-21, 2023

May 18, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone discusses how recent precipitation has affected crop water use this week.

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Water droplets
To learn how growers can use estimated crop water use tables to schedule irrigation, listen to the audio clip below.

Estimated Crop Water Use for May 1-7, 2023

May 10, 2023
Estimated crop water use for Nebraska Panhandle crops for the week of May 1.

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Corn seedlings

A Retrospective Analysis of Nebraska Corn and Soybean Planting Progress (1980-2022)

May 4, 2023
UNL researchers examine historical records of corn and soybean planting progress in Nebraska, and provide insights about the planting date trends and impact on past and future yields.

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Irrigation system in corn
Producers looking to take advantage of nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater to reduce nitrogen applications this growing season may want to test their wells to determine current levels. Information on testing requirements is available at all local NRD offices.

Don’t Lose Out on Free Nitrogen from Irrigation Water

April 20, 2023
Extension recommendations for calculating the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in irrigation water and optimal timing of applications to reduce the cost of nitrogen inputs in irrigated corn.

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SNOTEL graph

Yonts Water Conference an Update on Water, Grants and More

April 20, 2023
Industry experts shared snowpack/snowmelt runoff estimates for the upper North Platte River basin, updates on UNL irrigation management research and progress on replacing the Goshen/Gering-Ft Laramie tunnels that collapsed in 2019.

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Irrigation sprinkler
The 2023 CPIA Conference will help producers maximize investments in their irrigation systems with presentations on pivot performance, sensors, drones, cover crop and residue management, chemigation and more.

Central Plains Irrigation Association to Host 2023 Conference in Kearney

February 2, 2023
The 2023 CPIA Conference will help producers maximize investments in their irrigation systems with presentations on pivot performance, sensors, drones, cover crop and residue management, and chemigation.

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Corn harvest aerial

2023 Ag Day on Jan. 31 to Focus on Farm Succession Planning

January 23, 2023
Free to attend, this year's Ag Day in Aurora will provide updates on pests and diseases for corn and soybean growers, irrigation management guidance and industry news, as well as an afternoon session dedicated to farm and ranch transition and succession discussions.

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Lake at sunset

Impact of Irrigation Technologies on Water Use: Clarifying Water Withdrawals and Consumptive Use

January 18, 2023
A new Nebraska Extension NebGuide clarifies the concept of consumptive use of water with regard to irrigated crop production and provides guidelines for determining the efficiency of new irrigation technology.

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