Herbicide Management

soybean field

How Previous Year's Soybean Herbicides Can Affect Planting of Corn, Sweet Corn, and Popcorn This Year

April 7, 2020
While corn growers are getting ready for planting in 2020, it is important to pay attention to the planting interval of corn to herbicides applied the previous year in soybean.

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Field trial with one of the herbicides tested in popcorn

Weed Control and Response of Yellow and White Popcorn Hybrids to Herbicides

September 25, 2019
Research-based information on weed control and response of eight commercially available popcorn hybrids to several herbicides labeled for popcorn in Nebraska.

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Glyphosate-resistant ragweed in corn

Planting Interval of Corn, Soybean, and Sorghum after 2,4-D or Dicamba Burndown Application

April 18, 2019
With flood, cold, and wet conditions in March/April, many producers are facing a smaller than expected window for making their burndown herbicide applications and should carefully consider required planting intervals when selecting which product to use in which crop.

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Common mullein rosette

Common Mullein, an Invasive Weed on Nebraska’s Horizon

September 20, 2024
There has been a significant increase in the prevalence of common mullein this summer. Extension outlines options for Nebraska producers battling this weed, as prevention and early control are the best and cheapest management options.

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