Herbicide Management

Bare field with weeds on one side
A sugarbeet field in the spring of 2024 with Palmer amaranth. Where Goltix has been applied, there is a clear line of weed suppression. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Nebraska Extension Partnership Leads to Breakthrough Herbicide for Palmer Amaranth in Sugarbeets

September 26, 2024
Nebraska and Colorado-based sugarbeet growers are reporting promising results after using the newly-approved herbicide Goltrix this year.

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Hops field
Hops have emerged as a minor specialty crop in Nebraska, a result of rising demand of locally sourced ingredients grown in unique and local environments by the craft beer industry.

Herbicides Labeled for Hops in Nebraska

September 18, 2024
Managing weeds in a hop yard is complex, given the diversity of annual and perennial weeds, limited herbicide options and labor-intensive mechanical control methods. This herbicide guide discusses best weed management practices and the herbicides suitable for hops in Nebraska.

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This Week on N Field: Control of Volunteer Corn in Double Team Sorghum Using FirstAct

September 12, 2024
Insights on using the herbicide quizalofop (FirstAct) to manage volunteer corn in Double Team sorghum.

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This Week on N Field: Palmer Amaranth Control in Soybean

August 15, 2024
Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala explains the process of controlling Palmer amaranth in post-emergence soybean with sequentially applied residual herbicides.

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This Week on N Field: Palmer Amaranth Control in Corn

August 15, 2024
Options for post-emergence control of Palmer amaranth in corn.

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This Week on N Field: Metribuzin for Weed Control in Soybean

August 8, 2024
Considerations for applying Metribuzin in soybean as a pre- and post-emergence herbicide.

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Men stand in pasture near cattle
Banner County Rancher Jack Revelle talks with a crowd at the recent Cheatgrass Tour about his management of cheatgrass. (Photo by Miranda Mueller)

Pastures in Western Nebraska Respond Positively to Cheatgrass Herbicide Management

August 1, 2024
So far, the UNL study has revealed an increase in biomass, nutrient quality and minerals, as well as livestock weight gain, following a combination treatment to control cheatgrass.

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Tractor driving through corn rows

Early Season Interseeded Cover Crops in Corn and the Impact of Residual Herbicides

July 24, 2024
Results of a UNL-Bayer collaborative study that evaluated cover crop biomass production at different early season interseeding timings in corn and the impact of residual herbicide programs on cover crop establishment.

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