In-person Trainings Scheduled for Ag Budget Calculator Program
July 7, 2022
There are six workshops in July and August for producers interested in learning how to use the new ABC program to determine their costs of production and projected returns.
Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for July
June 20, 2022
There are five dates scheduled for free, in-person farm and ag law clinics in July.
What is the Value of Financial and Business Management to Ag Producers?
May 20, 2022
This article analyzes the correlation between Nebraska producers' management prowess, as measured by a Business IQ survey, and the financial performance of their farming operation.
Two Record-keeping Workshops Offered in Rushville
May 9, 2022
Two workshops on May 23 will help Nebraska farmers develop an easier process in keeping records by using tools, resources and tips taught during the sessions.
Making Better Farm Management Decisions
May 5, 2022
This Cornhusker Economics article discusses how producers can recognize and understand their own behaviors while making decisions, and avoid errors that may negatively affect their operations.
Financial Health Checkup for Farmers and Ranchers
April 28, 2022
This webinar with Nebraska Extension Agricultural Economist Jessica Groskopf takes a closer look at farm and ranch balance sheets and help you answer questions about the financial health of your business.
Roth IRAs for Children Earning a Wage on the Farm
April 27, 2022
Though savings accounts for farm youth are common, Roth IRAs are another great avenue for investing the money they earn through labor on the family farm.
Extension Financial Record-keeping Course for Farmers, Ranchers Begins April 18
March 22, 2022
Course participants will work through the financial statements of a case study farm, completing assignments and participating in video chats to learn more about how big changes to their operation will affect their bottom line.