
James Schnable examines a sorghum plant with Andy Benson
Nebraska's James Schnable (left) examines a sorghum plant with Andy Benson in the Greenhouse Innovation Center. Schnable is part of a $3.9 million NSF-funded project that aims to develop crops that more efficiently use fertilizer. (Photo by Craig Chandler, UNL)

Researchers Aim to Reduce Nitrogen Fertilizer Use

November 28, 2018
Today’s agricultural researchers are turning to plant genomics to find solutions for growing crops more sustainably with fewer inputs, including nitrogen fertilizer, without sacrificing yield or profit.

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Spring N application in the field
Growers planning for their 2019 N management in corn might consider the potential for increased N efficiency and reduced loss from split applications at planting and up to R3 growth stage rather than a fall application.

Consequences of Fall-Applied N

November 9, 2018
A fall nitrogen application has a relatively high loss potential and is considered the riskiest N management practice. Consider breaking tradition and splitting your N applications next year to coincide with when your corn most needs more N.

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Figure 1. Final soybean stand count was not necessarily an indicator of yield in this 2017 study of the effects of late-season (R3) nitrogen application in soybean. The Lincoln County plot (left) had a final stand count of 72,000 plants per acre and yielded 72.7-73 bu/ac. The Perkins County plot (right) had a final stand count of 161,000 plants per acre and yielded 74.4-77 bu/ac.
Figure 1. Final soybean stand count was not necessarily an indicator of yield in this 2017 study of the effects of late-season (R3) nitrogen application in soybean. The Lincoln County plot (left) had a final stand count of 72,000 plants per acre and yielded 72.7-73 bu/ac. The Perkins County plot (right) had a final stand count of 161,000 plants per acre and yielded 74.4-77 bu/ac.

Is Late Season N Fertilization Warranted for Irrigated Soybean in Western Nebraska?

November 2, 2018
On-farm research trials were conducted in three southwest Nebraska counties to study whether a late season N application during the pod setting and seed filling phases would increase soybean yields.

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Alternative Nutrient Supply Products: Highlights of On-Farm Research Results

April 5, 2018
Are you considering using a new soil nutrient product this season? Learn what farmers learned from these nine studies of alternative nutrient supply products and practices, conducted as part of the Nebraska On-farm Research Network (NOFRN) in 2017.

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Figure 1. Uncontrolled blue mustard in a thin stand of winter wheat. (Photos by Robert Klein)
Figure 1. Uncontrolled blue mustard in a thin stand of winter wheat. (Photos by Robert Klein)

Controlling Weeds in and Fertilizing Winter Wheat, Particularly Late-Seeded Fields

March 15, 2018
With many wheat fields planted later than normal due to rain, stands are not as competitive with weeds and younger plants may be susceptible to herbicide injury, making a good weed management plan even more important this year.

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Pie chart showing the value of manure

What is the Economic Value of Manure

December 6, 2017
Manure has value. That value may result from improvements in soil quality, increases in yield, and replacement of commercial nutrient required for crop production. This article focuses on the economic benefits of manure.

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Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)
Figure 1. Data collected by the multispectral sensor on this drone will be used to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications, part of a producer research project funded by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. (Photos by Laura Thompson)

SARE Grant Aids Farmer in Using Drones to Test N Applications

October 2, 2017
Dean Stevens well knows the value of getting a bird’s-eye view of his crops to assess plant health, wind damage, and pest threats. Now, with the support of an NCR SARE grant, this southeast Nebraska farmer is using a drone outfitted with crop sensors to assess corn nitrogen needs and respond with variable rate in-season applications.

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Researchers Nicolás Cafaro La Menza (left) and Patricio Grassini examining progress of soybean in the field.
Figure 1. Researchers Nicolás Cafaro La Menza (left) and Patricio Grassini examining progress of soybean in the field.

Study Unearths Benefits, Limits of Fertilizing Soybeans

September 29, 2017
Soybean crops in highly productive fields demand more nitrogen than natural sources alone can supply, says a new study from University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Argentine researchers. In fields with the potential to produce 80-90 bushels per acre, researchers found fertilizer increased yields by up to 10 bushels per acre.

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