Disease Management

Soybean root with SCN infection

Managing Soybean Cyst Nematode Starts Now

March 17, 2021
Preparing for the annual battle against soybean cyst nematode? Extension experts weigh in on your strategy options and offer tips on how to start winning the war.

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Frogeye leaf spot on soybean plant
Figure 1: Frogeye leaf spot of soybean (FLS) disease caused by foliar pathogen, Cercospora sojina, (Photo courtesy: Tamra Jackson-Ziems/UNL)

Nebraska Soybean Foliar Fungicide Use Survey

March 17, 2021
Offered until May 31, the foliar fungicide use survey will help UNL researchers determine future Extension programming to best meet the needs of soybean growers and other agribusiness professionals.

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Sugar beets with root disease
These sugarbeets demonstrate symptoms of a root disease characteristic of the wet-rot disease.

Sugarbeets: Source of the First Gram-Positive Bacterial Disease in Nebraska

March 10, 2021
Nebraska Extension Plant Pathologist Bob Harveson discusses the origins and impact of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens to Nebraska agriculture.

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Diseased chickpea plant
A close-up view of Ascochyta blight in chickpea, showing symptoms on pods and dead leaves.

New Chickpea Disease Study Will Begin in 2021

January 29, 2021
With chickpea demand on the rise, UNL researchers are digging into a fungal disease issue that has long-prevented the crop's commercial growth in Nebraska. 

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Bacterial stalk rot in corn

Diseases to Watch for in Flooded Crops

July 11, 2019
Producers, consultants, and agronomists should be alert to the potential for increased disease pressure in fields that experienced flooding in March or more recently. Here are some of the diseases you're most likely to see.

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Illustration of injury symptoms in a field. It is one of several indicators used to diagnose whether injury is caused by a disease, chemical application, or agronomic practice. This field shows random, non-uniform distribution common with diseases.
Illustration of injury symptoms in a field. It is one of several indicators used to diagnose whether injury is caused by a disease, chemical application, or agronomic practice. This field shows random, non-uniform distribution common with diseases.

Using Symptom Distribution to Identify Problems and Guide Management

June 24, 2019
Many factors can cause the emergence issues growers have been seeing in some corn and soybean fields. One of the easiest ways to predict whether the emergence issues are due to a soilborne pathogen(s) or agronomic factors is to look at where symptoms appear in the field.

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Each year more than 100 research trials are conducted at the South Central Agriculture Laboratory near Harvard. The Aug. 29 SCAL Field Day invites the public to view and learn about the most recent research from UNL and USDA scientists.
Figure 1. Each year more than 100 research trials are conducted at the South Central Agriculture Laboratory near Harvard. The Aug. 29 SCAL Field Day invites the public to view and learn about the most recent research from UNL and USDA scientists.

View Latest Crop and Pest Research at South Central Ag Lab Aug. 29

August 17, 2018
Tour field trials focused on irrigation and water management, soil fertility, entomology, weed science, cropping systems, and disease management at this year's South Central Ag Lab Field Day Aug. 29.

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Examples of good and bad samples received at the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
Figure 1. How you package your plant sample can significantly affect the quality of the diagnoses you receive. Above are several samples received recently by the university's Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. Samples that are too wet (left) or too dry (middle) obscure symtom expression and make disease diagnosis difficult. The sample on the right was packaged well and shipped early in the week. (Photos by Kyle Broderick)

Quality Samples Lead to Better Diagnoses

May 31, 2018
Correct identification of insects and other pests and diagnoses of diseases starts by submitting quality samples. This outlines how best to submit plant samples to the university's Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

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