Crop Reports

Soybean seedlings

U.S. Farmers Expect to Plant More Soybeans, Less Corn Acreage

March 31, 2022
Producers surveyed across the U.S. intend to plant a record high 91.0 million acres of soybeans in 2022, up 4% from last year, while corn acreage is expected to decrease by 4%.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Crop in Fair Condition

March 30, 2022
For the week ending March 27, 2022, winter wheat crop condition was at 47% fair, 24% good.

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Wheat stem in field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 33% Good Condition, 46% Fair

February 24, 2022
For the week ending Feb. 20, 2022, winter wheat condition rated 33% good and 3% excellent.

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Nebraska Feb. 1 Potato Stocks

February 24, 2022
Nebraska growers, dealers, and processors held 3.90 million cwt of potatoes in storage on Feb. 1. Current stocks represent 43% of the 2021 production.

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Industrial hemp

Nebraska Hemp Acreage

February 24, 2022
Industrial hemp grown in open areas in Nebraska totaled 260 acres, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Condition 33% Good

January 25, 2022
For the week ending Jan. 23, 2022, winter wheat condition rated 33% good, 45% fair.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Rated at 37% Good

January 4, 2022
For the week ending Jan. 2, 2022, winter wheat condition rated 37% good and 2% excellent. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 47% short.

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Wheat field

2021 Small Grain County-Level Estimates

December 9, 2021
County-level estimates for 2021 small grain acreage, yield and production are now available through the Quick Stats online database.

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