Crop Reports

Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest Winds Down for Soybeans, Corn at 82%

November 8, 2021
For the week ending Nov. 7, 2021, corn harvested was 82%, soybeans harvested was 95%, and sorghum, 85%.

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Harvesting soybeans

Crop Progress: Soybean Harvest at 91%

November 3, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 31, 2021, corn harvest was at 72%, soybean harvest, 91%, and sorghum, 78%.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Harvest 2021 Continues Ahead of Average

October 26, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 24, 2021, harvest for corn, soybeans and sorghum continued ahead of schedule compared to average rate of recent years.

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Wheat plant

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Planting Nearly Finished

October 19, 2021
As of Oct. 17, winter wheat planted was 93% — maintaining the same pace as last year's planting. Winter wheat emerged was 76%, which is slightly ahead of the 2020 growing season.

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Corn kernels

USDA NASS: Corn Production Forecast at Record High

October 14, 2021
Based on Oct. 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2021 corn production is forecast at a record 1.82 billion bushels, up 2% from last year's production. Yield is forecast at 190 bushels per acre, up 10 bushels from last year.

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Corn harvest

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean, Sorghum Harvest Pushes Ahead of Average Pace

October 14, 2021
For the week ending Oct. 10, 2021: corn harvest was 29%, ahead of 22% average; soybean harvest was 60%, ahead of 42% average; and sorghum harvest was 38%, ahead of 24% average.

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N Field observation poster image

#NField Observations for October 2021

October 14, 2021
This week, Ben Beckman discusses various fall grazing management strategies using cool-season and warm-season plants.

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Nebraska 2020 Potato Summary

October 7, 2021
Final production for the 2020 potato crop totaled 9.21 million cwt, down 4% from 2019, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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