Also see: Corn
Sample CornSoyWater Screen Message

CornSoyWater: Real-Time Aid for Corn and Soybean Irrigation Decisions

July 11, 2017
Use CornSoyWater and its app to monitor soil available water and crop water use and to identify fields where stress is likely occurring or will be occurring within the next three days. The tool is free, user friendly, and can help you monitor fields from a distance.

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western bean cutworm eggs and larvae

Scouting and Treatment Recommendations for Western Bean Cutworm

July 11, 2017
Scouting is urged for Western bean cutworm in corn as moth flights are active and particularly heavy in south central Nebraska this week. This article includes trapping reports and recommendations for scouting and treatment.

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Bacterial leaf streak lesions
Bacterial leaf streak lesions may vary in color and length, but will be between veins and often have wavy margins. (UNL Photos)

Detection and Characterization of the Causal Agent for Bacterial Leaf Streak in Corn

July 7, 2017
When a new crop disease strikes, researchers dig in to identify its characteristics. Noting how it's similar to and different from other diseases are part of defining it so plant pathologists can better confirm its presence in the field, monitor its spread, and develop appropriate management practices. Here's the story of how plant pathologists identified bacterial leaf streak.

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Locations of 2017 Yield Forecasting Center sites

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

July 6, 2017
This article discusses data and data collection for the Yield Forecasting Center forecasts of crop phenology and yield for 2017, including a map of the site locations and specific data on crop management and soil types for each site.

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Irrigating corn

Tips for Irrigation Scheduling of Corn in the Late Vegetative Stage

June 30, 2017
Corn can sustain moderate water stress during the late vegetative period and may even benefit from it. That's not the case for the critical period from tassel to early grain fill. Using soil water data can help guide your irrigation decisions to maximize your water and energy use to produce crop yield.

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Soybean field
Soybean field

Nebraska Plants Record High Soybean Acres, Up 10% from 2016

June 30, 2017
Nebraska's soybean acreage, estimated at 5.70 million acres in the June 30 USDA NASS report, was up 10% from last year and a record high. Nebraska corn at 9.80 million planted acres, is down 1% from last year.

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Damage to corn leaf by western corn rootworm
Figure 1. Damage to corn leaf caused by western corn rootworn. (Photo by Robert Wright)

Time to Scout for Western Corn Rootworm Beetles

June 29, 2017
Western corn rootworm beetles began emerging in southeast and south central Nebraska this week. Before corn silks emerge, they're apt to feed by scraping the surface tissue, leaving a white parchment-like appearance.

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Corn and soybean fields at the Rogers Memorial Farm
Soybean and corn fields at the University's Rogers Memorial Farm east of Lincoln.

USDA-NASS: Corn 74% Good-Excellent, Soybean, 70%, Wheat, 48%

June 26, 2017

Dry conditions across much of Nebraska allowed wheat harvest to begin, according to the report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending June 25.

Topsoil moisture supplies rated 14% very short, 42% short, 44% adequate, and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 7% very short, 33% short, 60% adequate, and 0% surplus.

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