Also see: Corn
Combine harvesting corn in a field

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean, Sorghum Harvest Running Near Average

September 30, 2021
Corn condition is rated 70% good to excellent and 71% mature with 13% harvested. Soybean condition is rated 71% good to excellent and 87% dropping leaves with 17% harvested which is near the average. Winter wheat planting and emergence is running near averages, while sorghum maturity and harvest are running slightly above average.

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2021 corn yield forecast for midwestern states

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts: End-of-season Forecasts Suggest Near to Below-average Yields for the Region

September 16, 2021
In line with our previous reports, our forecasted yield potential this season seems to be 10% below the historical average.

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Wheat plant

Nebraska Crop Production Forecast for September

September 15, 2021
Based on Sept. 1 conditions, Nebraska's corn crop is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, soybean is forecast at 327 million bushels, sorghum at 22.3 million bushels and sugarbeet at 1.3 million tons.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Crop Progress for Sept. 12

September 15, 2021
For the week ending Sept. 12, 2021, corn maturity was 35%, ahead of the 29% average. Soybeans dropping leaves was 47%, ahead of the 37% average, harvested was 1%. Sorghum maturity was 27%, ahead of the 18% average, harvested was 2%.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Crop Progress for Sept. 5

September 8, 2021

For the week ending Sept. 5, 2021, there were 5.0 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 7% very short, 25% short, 66% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 14% very short, 40% short, 46% adequate and 0% surplus.

Field Crops Report:

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Sprinkler Corn graph

Nitrogen Management Decisions Finalized

September 1, 2021
Nitrogen management is the fourth of six management decisions to be finalized in the corn competitions, with only irrigation and marketing left to round out the 2021 TAPS contests.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Crops Maturing Near Average Pace

September 1, 2021
For the week ending Aug. 29, 2021, corn mature was 8%, near 10% last year and 5% average. Soybeans setting pods was 97%, near 100% last year and 95% average. Sorghum maturity was 2%, equal to both last year and average.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Crop Condition for Aug. 22

August 25, 2021
For the week ending Aug. 22, 2021, corn condition rated 43% good and 24% excellent; soybean condition rated 49% good and 20% excellent. Dry edible beans blooming was 95%.

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