Also see: Corn
Corn plant

Crop Progress: Crop Condition Holding Steady in Nebraska

July 12, 2022
Nebraska crop conditions are unchanged from a week ago, with 88% of corn and soybeans in fair to excellent condition.

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Hybrid-Maize model locations

2022 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

July 6, 2022
The Yield Forecasting Center (YFC) will provide real-time information on corn phenology and forecasts of corn yield potential to aid growers and ag industry in making management, logistics and marketing decisions through the 2022 season.

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Corn plant

Crop Progress: Nebraska Crop Development Near Average Rates Despite Planting Setbacks

July 6, 2022
Crop growth largely caught up to the five-year average pace last week, with soybeans blooming at 25%, sorghum headed at 4% and corn silking at 1%.

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Aerial corn field

Nebraska June 1, 2022 Grain Stocks

June 30, 2022
Nebraska corn stocks are up 3% from 2021, and soybeans stored are up 53%, according to USDA NASS.

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Dry edible beans

2022 Nebraska Acreage Report

June 30, 2022
Dry edible bean acreage is up 17% in Nebraska, while corn acreage is down 2% and soybean acreage remains unchanged from 2021.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Harvest Begins

June 28, 2022
Winter wheat harvest in Nebraska has begun, with 66% of the crop reported to be in fair to excellent condition.

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Corn plant

Crop Progress: Planting Nearly Complete, Crop Conditions Make Slight Improvement

June 23, 2022
As of June 19, planting season was nearing the end, with sorghum at 95% and dry edible beans at 87%.

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Corn plant
Corn, Soybean Emerged, Sorghum Planting at 90%

Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean Emerged, Sorghum Planting at 90%

June 13, 2022
As of June 12, the majority of corn and soybean crops had emerged, with conditions rating 88% fair to excellent for corn and 90% fair to excellent for soybean.

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