Center for Agricultural Profitability

Couple and son laughing on farm beside tractor
Throughout each Center for Agricultural Profitability Returning to the Farm workshop, participants receive help from experts in developing estate and transition plans, setting personal and professional goals and improving the communication process between family members.

Returning to the Farm Workshops Set for March 8-9 in Kearney

February 15, 2024
This workshop series assists families and agricultural operations with developing financial plans and successful working arrangements to meet their unique needs.

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Men look at phone in front of grain silos
Strategic planning is a dynamic process that requires continuous adaptation to changing circumstances and is most effective when it includes input from stakeholders, including family, partners, employees, and even customers, suppliers, and buyers. (CAP photo)

The Importance of Strategic Planning for Farmers and Ranchers

February 15, 2024
Center for Agricultural Profitability Director Larry Van Tassell discusses two steps that make planning strategic: defining the mission of the business, and assessing the external environment and its implications for the farm business.

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Combine harvesting corn field
The Agricultural Budget Calculator is a free tool to help producers figure machinery field operation and ownership costs. For more, visit the ABC website. (CAP photo)

Figuring Field Operation Costs Using the Agricultural Budget Calculator Program

February 1, 2024
This article provides an in-depth analysis of field operation costs for newer equipment versus slightly older equipment of similar size and power, which are used to determine costs for planting row crops.

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CAP workshop banner
For assistance with fluctuations in commodity crop prices, producers can elect coverage and enroll in ARC-County or PLC on a crop-by-crop basis, or ARC-Individual for the entire farm, for the 2024 crop year. Elections must be submitted by March 15.

ARC/PLC Program Workshop for Ag Producers Announced

January 31, 2024
Hosted at numerous sites throughout Nebraska in February, the free workshops will help producers learn more about the ARC and PLC programs and how to apply in 2024.

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Wheat field being harvested
Improve your grain marketing skills by attending a Nebraska Extension workshop on Jan. 31 in Crawford or Feb. 7 in Oshkosh. More resources on grain marketing can be found here.

Nebraska Extension to Host Grain Marketing Workshops in Crawford, Oshkosh

January 18, 2024
Real audio and video examples of grain market analysts will be used during the workshops to help producers decode market lingo and hone their marketing skills.

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Corn field under center pivot
A water-saving strategy, deficit irrigation represents an important concept in managing water use through irrigation as groundwater depletion rises across the U.S.

The Economics of Deficit Irrigation Utilizing Soil Moisture Probes

December 15, 2023
Cornhusker Economics experts examine the financial impact on producers using a deficit irrigation strategy in corn.

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Farmer inside of tractor cab
Incorporating the possibility of disability into your estate plan requires professional legal assistance, so it's critical to discuss these issues with your attorney and financial advisor as part of the process. (Center for Ag Profitability photo)

What Happens to Your Farm or Ranch if You Become Disabled?

December 14, 2023
Labor contingency plans, emergency funds, buy-sell agreements, insurance — there's many factors to consider when preparing for a potential disability on the farm. Read this article for more on what to expect of the process.

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Tractor in field
Results from the 2024 Custom Rates Survey will be published by second quarter of 2024.

Custom Operators Invited to Participate in UNL Nebraska Custom Rates Survey

December 7, 2023
Part one of the survey covers spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying, and part two surveys fall operations, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage and other miscellaneous operations.

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