Tar spot symptoms on corn leaf

Corn Disease Update: Fungicide Expectations for Disease Control

August 15, 2024
Persistent wet weather in the early growing season set the scene for corn diseases to flourish. This article provides guidance on using foliar fungicides to mitigate loss, regarding application timing, disease history, crop stage and weather impacts. 

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Combine moving in field as black dust rises
Black dust from common bunt rises behind a combine during winter wheat harvest. (Photo by John Thomas)

Common Bunt Infection in Winter Wheat

August 14, 2024
Common bunt in winter wheat can be avoided by using certified seed, treating seeds with fungicide, and practicing crop rotation and field sanitation. These strategies are crucial to avoid infection and maintain healthy, productive wheat crops.

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Wheat head with bleached top portion

Fusarium Head Blight Management

May 15, 2024
The frequent rainfall events in late April and early May in southeast Nebraska have set the stage for a potential 2024 Fusarium outbreak. Nebraska Extension outlines fungicide application timing and other management considerations.

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Partially bleached wheat head

Uncommon Wheat Disease in the Nebraska Panhandle in 2023

April 24, 2024
Though rare for semi-arid regions, Fusarium head blight was present in the Nebraska Panhandle's 2023 wheat crop, and its effects have already been observed in this year's crop. This article highlights control options to mitigate yield loss in 2024.

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Soybean field during summer
Hosted by Science for Success, a three-part webinar beginning March 8 will provide soybean producers with insights from university faculty and extension specialists across the nation on numerous production challenges.

Savvy Full Season Soybean Management Webinar Series

February 29, 2024
The three-part webinar series in March will discuss soybean production considerations such as planting dates, seed treatments, fertilizer, fungicide, late season dessication and more.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Disease Concerns After Hail Damage

July 27, 2023
Hail damage can wound plants, but will this damage increase the amount of disease you will see in the field? Nebraska Extension specialists share insights on whether a fungicide could benefit your damaged crop.

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Tan spot
Figure 1. Tan spot on a wheat leaf. (Photos by Stephen Wegulo)

After-harvest Wheat Disease Management Strategies for Reducing Losses in 2024

July 13, 2023
Strategies that can be used between now and planting winter wheat this fall to minimize losses due to diseases during next year’s growing season.

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Frogeye leaf spot

Fungicide Resistance and Management of Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean in Nebraska

June 16, 2022
Frogeye leaf spot — which will likely begin appearing in Nebraska soybeans within the next few weeks — can cause significant yield loss, but there are effective management options available.

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