Women in Agriculture

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FarmBits to Premiere Robotics, Women in Ag Series in Spring 2022

December 16, 2021
For its spring 2022 season, FarmBits will focus podcast interviews on automation and robotics technology in crop and livestock production with a concurrent emphasis on stories of diversity and inclusion in digital agriculture.

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Women in Agriculture's Love of the Land Conference to be Presented Virtually

December 2, 2021
Industry experts will discuss lease agreements, rental rates, crop and livestock insurance and more during this virtual program geared toward helping Nebraska farmers improve their business management skills.

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women managing ag land webinar graphic

Women Managing Ag Land Conference, Now Virtual, is Dec. 2

November 19, 2020
The upcoming Women Managing Ag Land Conference will now be a be completely virtual experience. The event is still set for Dec. 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Central Time.

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Nebraska Extension Offering Its First Ever Crops Practicum

January 30, 2020
The Nebraska Crops Practicum is a hands-on educational program that highlights research, techniques and technologies used in agricultural research, pest management and sustainable agriculture while encouraging best management practices to improve farm efficiency and profitability. Registration ends March 5th.

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Annie's inspired workshop offered in four locations

Southeast Nebraska Workshops Inspired by Annie's Project

January 23, 2020
These programs provide women opportunities to learn from agricultural professionals and connect with other women in agriculture in a relaxed, fun and dynamic setting.

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woman driving a tractor
The 35th annual Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference is Feb. 20 and 21 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Kearney. Photo by Craig Chandler | University Communication

Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference is Feb. 20-21

January 14, 2020
The annual Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference will celebrate 35 years Feb. 20 and 21 at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Kearney.

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North Central Nebraska Women in Ag to Meet Dec. 16

December 4, 2019
The new North Central Nebraska Women in Ag program for female agriculture landowners, farmers, ranchers will meet Dec. 16 in Valentine.

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Women Managing Ag Land Promotion

Conference for Women Managing Agricultural Land Dec. 11

November 8, 2019
Female agriculture landowners, farmers, and ranchers looking to increase their business management skills are encouraged to register for the 2019 Women Managing Agricultural Land conference.

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