P. Stephen Baenziger

To All the Wheats That I Have Known

September 2, 2020
Veteran wheat specialist Stephen Baenziger reflects on 34 years of developing wheat varieties in his role at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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wheat variety trial in Nebraska field

Winter Wheat Varieties With an East and South Central Nebraska Fit

September 1, 2020
Variety selection and disease management in this higher rainfall region of Nebraska are the two most important management factors driving yield.

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corn planted folllowing wheat
Corn planted in winter wheat stubble.

Winter Wheat Economics in Nebraska

September 1, 2020
Including winter wheat in the cropping system does not appear to be a profitable decision when one only examines the production costs and expected returns. Generally, there are additional production and economic benefits (35 to 100 bushels per acre increase in corn or grain sorghum yield) that should be considered.

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wheat grain contaminated with ergots

Reducing Yield Loss in Wheat Through Fungicide Seed Treatments

September 1, 2020
Three strategies can be used in combination to manage seed transmitted fungal diseases of wheat: fungicide seed treatments, use of clean seed, and planting resistant varieties.

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sawfly larva within its pupal chamber
Wheat stem sawfly within its pupal chamber.

Wheat Stem Sawfly in 2020

September 1, 2020
This article provides a brief background on how the wheat stem sawfly arrived here, ideas on how we might manage it in Nebraska and thoughts on why we saw reduced damage in some regions while others had the most damage they have ever seen.

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Corn, Soybean Condition Declines, but Progressing Well

August 27, 2020
Corn condition is rated 66% good to excellent, down from 73% the previous week, with 96% dough and 60% dented. Soybean condition is rated 71% good to excellent, down from 76% the previous week, with 98% setting pods and 5% dropping leaves.

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USDA Crop Progress Report, Aug. 17

August 17, 2020
Corn condition is rated 73% good to excellent, 88% dough and 29% dented. Soybean condition is rated 76% good to excellent, 90% setting pods and 2% starting to drop leaves. Dry edible beans are rated 69% good to excellent, 83% setting pods and 7% dropping leaves, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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aerial view of wheat trial field
Figure 1. 2020 Areal image of spring wheat demo plot at Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center near Grant, NE.

Spring Wheat Research in Western Nebraska

August 13, 2020
Many farmers view spring wheat as a rotational crop with a purpose to break the weed and pest cycles, build up the residue cover and increase yield of corn the following years.

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