Wheat Stem Sawfly

fence row of a wheat field

Advances in Understanding the Management of the Wheat Stem Sawfly

January 28, 2020
Over the past few decades, WSS populations have greatly increased and expanded in the Nebraska Panhandle, becoming the most economically significant pest of wheat.

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Wheat stem sawfly adult

Management Decisions Impact Wheat Stem Sawfly Populations

August 30, 2019
University research in the Nebraska Panhandle suggests that changing two management strategies may help significantly reduce wheat stem sawfly pressure in winter wheat. Over the years, the sawfly has become a major pest in wheat with few known control measures.

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A field of lodged wheat with an inset photo showing wheat stubs where the wheat stem sawfly overwinters.
Figure 1. Wheat lodging due to wheat stem sawfly. Figure 2 (inset). Wheat stubs remaining in field after sawfly feeding. The sawfly will overwinter in the stub and leave the plant in the spring.

Increased Wheat Stem Sawfly Populations In 2018

August 30, 2018
One of the newest challenges to wheat growers is the wheat stem sawfly, which can girdle stems, causing lodging and yield losses. University research may offer a clue to new control practices.

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Chart looking at adult sawflies from spring-disced summer fallow

Wheat Insect Pest Update

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics reviewing the status of insects in wheat, particularly the wheat stem sawfly.

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wheat stem sawfly in a wheat stem

Cultural Management Options for Wheat Stem Sawfly

June 7, 2018
Sawfly management in wheat requires a diversified approach using a number of tools. Growers who know which fields have greater levels of infestation can help manage the effects of sawfly this year as well as next year. Fields with high infestations should be harvested first, if possible.

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Wheat stem sawfly video screen capture

Wheat Stem Sawfly Numbers Up in the Panhandle

June 6, 2018
Video: Populations of wheat stem sawflies, a serious pest of wheat in western Nebraska, are at high numbers this year. Surveys are underway in wheat fields, grasslands and pastures to evaluate grass hosts for the pest and its parasitoids.

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