Western Bean Cutworm

Crop progress and conditions for corn from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service indicating predicted timing for corn growth stages (2019).

Using Degree-Day Models to Predict Western Bean Cutworm Flights

June 21, 2019
With late planting, slow emergence, and cooler summer temperatures affecting corn development, will corn be spared from western bean cutworm damage in 2019. Unfortunately, models indicate WBC growth is also delayed. See a table of predicted dates for 2019 WBC flights in Nebraska and surrounding states.

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Western bean cutworm eggs (Photo by Jen Bruggeman)
Western bean cutworm eggs (Photo by Jen Bruggeman)

Introducing the 'Western Bean Cutworm Central' Webpage

March 8, 2019
This new webpage is designed to serve as a clearinghouse of information related to western bean cutworm biology, behavior, and management in both corn and dry bean agroecosystems.

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Western bean cutworm in corn

The Biology and Management of Ear-Feeding Lepidopteran Pests of Corn in Nebraska

January 9, 2019
A guide to Identification and management of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta), corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea), and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).

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Western bean cutworm moth
Figure 1. Western bean cutworm moth (Photos by Julie Peterson)

Scouting and Treating Western Bean Cutworm

July 11, 2018
Western bean cutworm egg masses have been reported on field corn in a number of locations across the state this week. Here's what to look for in the field, treatment thresholds and recommendations.

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Western bean cutworm moth
Western bean cutworm moth

Using Degree-Day Models to Predict Western Bean Cutworm Flights

June 21, 2018
By using a degree-day model, growers can account for the effect of temperature on insect development and approximate when certain insect stages will occur. See predicted cutworm flights and recommended scouting periods for 14 Nebraska locations.

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Western bean cutworm larvae on an ear of corn

Efficacy of Foliar Insecticide Treatments for Western Bean Cutworm in Corn

April 11, 2018
Researchers report on three years of field research in west central Nebraska where 4-14 insecticide treatments were tested under irrigated conditions.

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Western bean cutworm colony

Establishing a Western Bean Cutworm Colony in the Laboratory

October 4, 2017
The western bean cutworm is an important pest of corn and dry beans in Nebraska and is a major focus of research at the Agroecosystems Entomology Laboratory at the West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte. Because WBC has only one generation per year, researchers are now growing their own population to use in laboratory and field studies.

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western bean cutworm eggs and larvae

Scouting and Treatment Recommendations for Western Bean Cutworm

July 11, 2017
Scouting is urged for Western bean cutworm in corn as moth flights are active and particularly heavy in south central Nebraska this week. This article includes trapping reports and recommendations for scouting and treatment.

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