Volunteer Corn

This Week on N Field: Control of Volunteer Corn in Double Team Sorghum Using FirstAct

September 12, 2024
Insights on using the herbicide quizalofop (FirstAct) to manage volunteer corn in Double Team sorghum.

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This Week on N Field: Control of Volunteer Corn in Soybean

August 8, 2024
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala shares management tips to control volunteer corn in soybean.

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This Week on N Field: Control of Volunteer Corn in Enlist Corn

August 2, 2024
Volunteer corn is a problem weed in corn fields, competing for nutrients and potentially reducing yield. Watch this N Field for tips on how to control volunteers in corn after corn rotations.

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This Week on N Field: Controlling Corn Volunteers in Enlist Corn

July 6, 2023
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala discusses Assure II, the only labeled herbicide currently on the market that can be applied to control corn volunteers in Enlist corn.

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Corn volunteers in field

New NebGuide: Management of Herbicide-resistant Corn Volunteers in Corn and Soybean

May 30, 2023
The new NebGuide EC3065 provides recommendations to producers for management of corn volunteers in corn or soybean grown in rotation.

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Volunteer corn

Control of Roundup/Liberty Resistant Corn Volunteers in Enlist Corn

August 5, 2021
Results of a study evaluating Assure II for Roundup/Liberty-resistant corn volunteer control in Enlist corn and correct timing of application for use in corn-on-corn production systems.

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Volunteer corn in soybean
Figure 1. Several herbicide options are available for managing volunteer corn in soybean. Management in corn will be more challenging. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Control of Volunteer Corn in Soybean and Corn

June 1, 2018
Volunteer corn is a competitive weed in the corn/soybean cropping system and if not controlled, may result in a yield penalty and contribute to survival of gray leaf spot and western corn rootworm. Consider these options for managing volunteer corn in soybean and corn.

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Clump of volunteer corn in corn
Figure 1. Corn losses last fall are leading to widespread volunteer corn in crop fields this season. If not controlled, they could lead to yield reductions. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Impacts of Volunteer Corn on Crop Yields

June 1, 2018
University research conducted in several Midwest states indicates the impact of volunteer corn on corn, soybean, dry bean, and sugarbeet yields.

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