Young corn plant

Corn Planting Begins, Oats 70% Completed

April 19, 2021
For the week ending April 18, 2021, corn planted was 2%, equal to last year, and near 4% for the five-year average.

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Oat seedlings in field

Nebraska Oat Planting Ahead of Schedule from 2020

April 15, 2021
For the week ending April 4, 2021, oats planted was 40%, ahead of 30% last year and 33% for the five-year average. 

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Oat seedlings in field

Nebraska Winter Wheat Condition Unchanged, Oat Planting is Underway

April 7, 2021
For the week ending April 4, 2021, winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 43% fair, 38% good, and 2% excellent.

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Nebraska Grain Stocks Down from 2020

April 1, 2021
Nebraska corn stocks in all positions on March 1, 2021 totaled 913 million bushels, down 8% from 2020. View the full stocks report from the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Wheat stem in field

USDA Reports Slightly Improved Winter Wheat Crop

April 1, 2021
For the week ending March 28, 2021, winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 45% fair, 36% good and 2% excellent.

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Corn field

Nebraska Crop Values Rise 22% for 2020

March 10, 2021
The value of Nebraska’s 2020 field and miscellaneous crops is forecast at $11.9 billion, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. This is up 22% from 2019.

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USDA NASS to Collect 2020 Crop Production and Stocks Data

November 19, 2020
As the 2020 growing season comes to an end, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers nationwide to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseeds stored on their farms.

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USDA NASS Releases Wheat Production Data by County

December 12, 2019

County-level estimates for 2019 small grain acreage, yield, and production are now available, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The

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