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Dry Conditions Make Irrigation and Nitrogen Decisions Critical in TAPS Competition

November 10, 2020
In a stark contrast to 2019, this year’s growing season was drastically drier which meant that participants in the Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program had to focus more attention on their irrigation and nitrogen management decisions this year.

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center pivot irrigation running

Recent Water & Crops Field Day Available Online

September 16, 2020
The UNL West Central Research, Extension and Education Center recently held their annual Water and Crops Field Day virtually. If you were unable to attend or would like to catch some of the other presentations from the day, all of the presentations are now available online.

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center pivot irrigation running

Horsch Equipment Founder Set to Be Keynote Speaker During West Central Virtual Water & Crops Field Day

August 13, 2020
Even though the Annual Water & Crops Field Day can’t be hosted at UNL’s West Central Research, Extension & Education Center as in the past years, the event will go on as a virtual event as most others have lately due to COVID-19.

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Taps video series

TAPS Goes Virtual for June 23rd Field Day

June 17, 2020
The June 23rd field day that was going to include field tours & time to visit with organizers at West Central Research, Extension and Education Center has been reformed into a video series.

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tractor behind bags of soil

TAPS Competitors Make Planting Decisions for 2020 Season

May 5, 2020
Even in these uncertain times with COVID-19 the TAPS competitions, like many other farming operations, has moved forward with their 2020 planting. Participants had to make the crucial decisions for hybrid and seeding rate to use in the competition by April 10th.

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tips from TAPS logo

2019 TAPS Sprinkler Corn Marketing & Profitability Strategies

February 11, 2020
This year’s competition results provide evidence that you do not need to be the lowest cost producer and/or the best marketer to survive. If fact, all of the teams were profitable.

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TAPS Program Awarded USDA-NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant

February 6, 2020
The Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program continues to gain momentum, thanks in part to a recent $850,000 Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) award from USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).

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Tips for TAPS logo

Technology To Be Showcased at TAPS Kick-Off

January 30, 2020
With a growing list of technology companies partnering with the Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program, the 2020 Kick-Off is planned with a focus on the innovative technology and services that can be tested in a no-risk environment in the TAPS program.

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