Farmer in wheat field
Historical prospective plantings data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska 2023 Prospective Plantings

April 6, 2023
According to survey results, Nebraska winter wheat acreage is expected to increase by 17% in 2023, soybeans will remain unchanged, and corn acreage will be slightly down from 2022.

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Barley field
Historical grain stock data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska March 1, 2023 Grain Stocks

April 6, 2023
All Nebraska grain stocks as of March 1 were down considerably from 2022, with the greatest deficit in barley at 59% down, followed by sorghum, 51%.

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TAPS attendees

TAPS Program Kickstarts 2023 Competition Season

April 5, 2023
The 2023 TAPS Competition participants will soon make their first decisions of the growing season — watch for updates in the coming months as participants choose their seed varieties, manage nitrogen applications and irrigation, and more.

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TAPS logo

2023 TAPS Competitions Kicks Off with Learn, Launch, Interact Event

March 1, 2023
Free to attend, the kickoff event will include a tour of Corteva Agriscience and a launch of the 2023 TAPS Competition, where attendees will learn more about competing in this year's contest.

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Soybean field

Nebraska County-level Commodity Estimates for 2022

February 28, 2023
County-level estimates for 2022 production of corn, sorghum and soybeans are now available on the USDA NASS site.

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Growth and Modification Set for 2023 TAPS Year

February 1, 2023
TAPS is expanding its competition in 2023 with a new irrigated popcorn competition, a cover crops option for sprinkler corn, and a new location for the sorghum competition. The expansion also includes a new TAPS competition in Colorado. 

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Tracy Zink

TAPS Program Celebrates Winners of Sixth Annual Competition

January 19, 2023
The 2022 TAPS sorghum contest was a landslide for Indianola, Nebraska producer Tracy Zink, who claimed all three honors for top yield, efficiency and profitability.

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Sorghum grain

Nebraska Dec. 1, 2022 Grain and Hay Stocks

January 13, 2023
As of Dec. 1, 2022, all Nebraska grain stocks were down compared to 2021, with sorghum in the largest shortfall of 52%.

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