The Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program will begin its seventh year by hosting its annual Kickoff Event. The evening will follow a similar “Learn, Launch, Interact” theme as last year, which will include touring Corteva Agriscience, launching the upcoming farm management competitions and engaging with technology partners, as well as other participants and facilitators.

The 2023 Kickoff Event will be Thursday, March 16, starting at 4 p.m. CST, in Doniphan, Nebraska.
The event will begin at Corteva Agriscience where attendees will tour the seed production facility, focusing primarily on corn seed production. During the tour, attendees will see the primary steps that take place to get the final product out the door to producers across the world. They will watch an interactive 3-D rendering video that encompasses the full operation and also have the opportunity to explore the technology and automation that the facility has onsite.
Following the tour of Corteva Agriscience, a dinner meal will be served, and the event will conclude with the TAPS Launch, signaling the start of a brand-new TAPS competition season. This portion of the event will be held at the Doniphan Event Center.
As with previous years, this event is when competitors are acquainted with the interactive website, acquire their competition credentials, learn to view and access their farm pages, and learn more about each of the farm decisions they will be making, as well as any new rule changes.
The 2023 TAPS program is set to include sprinkler corn, subsurface drip irrigated corn, and irrigated popcorn competitions facilitated at the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center (WCREEC) in North Platte, Nebraska, as well as the sorghum competition, which will be facilitated at the Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center in Grant, Nebraska.
People in attendance will also have the opportunity to interact with representatives from a number of companies. A wide variety of technology is offered to TAPS competitors to better inform production and marketing decisions as they compete for most profitable, efficient and highest yielding farm.
Teams will begin making their competition decisions shortly after the event by selecting their irrigation tool, crop insurance, hybrid and seeding rate. Throughout the growing season, participants will manage nitrogen and irrigation on their plots, while also marketing their grain through the end of November.
The TAPS team invites anyone interested in learning more about the TAPS program to attend the event.
If you would like to attend the March 16 event, please register to attend by completing the online registration. The event is completely free and open to the public, though we do ask that everyone wanting to attend register by Thursday, March 9 for planning purposes.