Sorghum field closeup
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Crop Production Report for November 2023

November 14, 2023
Nebraska crop production forecasts continue to indicate a banner year for sorghum, at a 153% increase compared to 2022. Corn, sugarbeet and potato production is also up, while soybean production is slightly down.

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Droughty pasture
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Soil Moisture, Pasture Conditions Decline

November 14, 2023
Soil moisture supplies and pasture conditions in Nebraska were on a downward trend as of Nov. 12. Corn and sorghum harvest remain on track, with less than 10% of each crop to be finished.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 50% Good-Excellent Condition

November 6, 2023
As of Nov. 5, Nebraska winter wheat was in 50% good to excellent condition. Soybean harvest only progressed 3% from the prior week, ending the week at 95% complete.

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Corn under pivot irrigation
With the 2023 TAPS competition coming to an end, final results and winners will soon be announced.

Irrigation Varies Amid One of Wetter Seasons in TAPS History

November 2, 2023
This article provides a brief summary of the irrigation decisions made in the TAPS sorghum, popcorn, SDI corn and sprinkler corn competitions this year.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Dry Bean, Soybean Harvest Nearly Finished in Nebraska

October 30, 2023
USDA estimates as of Oct. 29 place dry edible bean harvest at 97% complete, with soybean harvest following closely behind at 92%. Corn and sorghum harvest were 76% and 69% complete, respectively.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Frost and Prussic Acid

October 27, 2023
Sorghum, soghum-sudan and milo are great options for fall grazing, but producers should be cautious of frost damage and prussic acid prior to putting cattle out to graze.

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Cattle grazing corn residue
Sorghum stems are a little higher in quality than the corn stem, but care is still needed if cows are forced to graze the lower stems due to the potential of prussic acid toxicity immediately following a frost.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Grain Sorghum Stover and Corn Residue

October 26, 2023
A review of the pros and cons of grazing sorghum and corn residue, and how to maximize the nutritional benefits of each.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Dry Bean Harvest Nearly Done, Soybean at 83%

October 24, 2023
As of Oct. 22, dry bean harvest reached 92% complete in Nebraska, closely followed by soybean at 83% and corn at 62% — all within normal range for late October.

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