Soil Health Exchange

Tire tracks in muddy clay soil
Producers who struggle with poor drainage in gumbo soil have several options for improving water retention and overall soil health. One beneficial practice is manure application, which helps reduce bulk density and improves soil aggregation.

The Soil Health Exchange: Addressing Waterlogging Issues with Soil Health Management

January 30, 2024
Fields with diverse soil types can pose distinct challenges in water management, especially under pivot irrigation. In this article, UNL experts review factors that contribute to waterlogged soil and several practices that can improve drainage issues. 

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Southwest Nebraska producer's terraced field
A section of field from a 99-acre plot in southwest Nebraska, which has experienced significant yield decline after terraces were built. In this article, Soil Health Exchange professionals identify some of the potential causes and solutions for low-yielding terraced fields. (Submitted photo)

The Soil Health Exchange: Terrace Effects on Soil Fertility and Yield

November 13, 2023
The Soil Health Exchange team shares insights and potential solutions for a southwest Nebraska farmer who has observed a significant yield decline in a field after terraces were built in 2010.

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Corn stubble burning
The Exchange team weighs in on soil health factors that may be contributing to lower yields in irrigated corn this year, following wildfires that scorched southeast Nebraska fields during the fall of 2022.

The Soil Health Exchange: Are Soil Health Factors Impacting Yield Following Wildfire?

October 17, 2023
UNL experts weigh in on soil health factors that may be contributing to lower yields in irrigated corn this year, after wildfires scorched southeast Nebraska fields during the fall of 2022. 

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Orchard with mustard cover crop
Figure 1. A comparison of bare ground vs. cover crop for two adjacent almond orchards after receiving 3/4-inch of rain. The grower, Donny Hicks, used mustards to breakup compaction and improve infiltration in his orchard soil. (Photo courtesy Donny Hicks)

The Soil Health Exchange: Natural Solutions to Soil Compaction — Beyond Mechanical Means and Cover Crops

October 5, 2023
Soil health experts share techniques for reducing soil compaction without the use of long-term cover crops.

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Man assessing soil in field
The Soil Health Exchange is a new discussion forum, designed to give producers and ag stakeholders an avenue for direct communication with some of Nebraska's leading soil health experts for help with their soil health concerns, interpreting test reports and more.

Announcing: The Soil Health Exchange

September 27, 2023
The Soil Health Exchange is a new online forum where producers and ag stakeholders can engage with a team of soil health experts to discuss production issues and ideas, get assistance with understanding test results, and more.

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