
Nebraska precipitation map

When Weather Delays Planting – Now What?

May 26, 2017
Agronomists consider several options for those pushed into late planting due to heavy rains. Changing corn hybrids or soybean varieties is not recommended, nor is shifting to alternate crops.

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Freeze damage to corn seedlings
Figure 1. (left) Yellow corn displaying damage from last week’s frost. Eighty to ninety percent of plants in this area of the field will likely recover, thus replanting would not be justified. Figure 2. Plant displaying frost injury. Both in Lancaster County, May 4, 2017. (Photos by Roger Elmore)

Do I Need to Replant My Corn?

May 5, 2017
Considering whether your corn should be replanted? The authors look at types of plant damage at early growth stages and the effect on potential yield. It includes a table of relative yield potential of corn by planting date and population.

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Corn leafing out below ground
Corn leafing out below ground

Q and A: Should I Keep My Initial Corn Stand or Replant?

May 13, 2016
When deciding whether to replant a less than optimum corn stand, consider current stand, potential yield, and potential yield of replanted crop at this point in the season. The authors guide you through the process of assessing the stand, and next steps, if necessary.

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Corn leafing out below the surface
Corn seedling leafing out below the soil surface

Planting Delays? It's too Early to Consider Switching Hybrids or Moving to Soybeans

May 4, 2016
While corn planting has been delayed in areas of the state due to recent rains, it's too early to consider switching hybrids or switching to soybeans. The author addresses some key points to consider for those waiting to plant and those who planted early and may need to assess stand viability.

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Freeze-damaged corn
Figure 1. In 2014 Nebraska experienced widespread frost on May 15 and 17, resulting in plant damage (left) and "buggy-whipping" tissue-wrapping in early planted corn. (Photos by Jenny Rees)

Risk of Freeze Damage in Early Planted Corn

April 14, 2016

With dry conditions the last week and a forecast for rain this weekend, corn planting is progressing rapidly in Nebraska. While warm conditions may persist through April, the potential for freeze risk can still be high when early-planted corn emerges.

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