Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 11
May 16, 2024
This year's 4Rs Field Day will feature a demonstration on UNL's newly developed web-based N tool, designed to increase efficiency of nitrogen use, as well as ease of record-keeping.
Choosing a Manure Application Rate
April 23, 2024
Nebraska Extension shares recommendations on determining a manure application rate that will meet agronomic crop needs while accounting for excess soil nutrients or building soil fertility.
2024 Soils School to Feature Fundamentals of Soils and Nutrient Management
November 29, 2023
During the two-day school in February, leading experts from the University of Nebraska will present research-based recommendations of primary crop nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 6
April 27, 2023
This year’s 4Rs Field Day will focus on up-to-date research information and demonstrations on all three major crop nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Manure Phosphorus and Water Quality
April 1, 2021
For producers who seek to decrease their dependency on commercial fertilizers, this article reviews proper management of nutrient content of manure, while highlighting phosphorus issues and solutions.
Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn Updated in EC117
July 9, 2019
The Nebraska Extension Circular, Nutrient Management Suggestions for Corn (EC117), has been updated to account for residual soil nitrate-N and provide an alternative for determining fertilizer-P rates.
Fertilizer P for Corn: Update of Research Findings and Revised Recommendations
January 9, 2019
Results of research conducted since 2000 to address fertilizer phosphorus (P) for corn will be reviewed. The current fertilizer P recommendations for corn will be discussed and revised recommendations presented at the 2019 Crop Production Clinics.
What’s New with P Fertilizer Use?
April 5, 2018
Studies conducted at three sites over six years with varying levels of phosphorus (P) applications indicate when a P application may be profitable.