Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 11

May 16, 2024

Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 11

By Javed Iqbal - Extension Nutrient Management and Water Quality Specialist, Nathan Mueller - USDA NRCS, State Soil Health Specialist, Aaron Nygren - Extension Educator, Joe Luck - Extension Precision Agriculture Engineer

Man holding corn and speaking in field
Nathan Mueller, Nebraska Extension water and cropping systems educator, speaks to participants during the 2023 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is excited to offer the fourth annual 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, July 11, 2024, at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center, near Mead, Nebraska.

The 4Rs is a nutrient management and water stewardship approach that emphasizes fertilizer use with the right source, rate, time, and placement of fertilizers. This science-based approach focuses on the best nutrient management practices and sustainable crop production, increasing crop yield and farmer’s profit while protecting the environment.

This year’s 4Rs field day also include demonstration on the newly developed web-based N tool, designed to increase efficiency of nitrogen use, as well as ease of record-keeping.

Speakers from University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USDA NRCS and industry will be presenting the following topics related to 4Rs Nitrogen management strategies to improve crop yield and profits while protecting the environment.

2024 Agenda

  • 8:30 – 9 a.m.: Registration and light breakfast (provided)
  • 9 – 9:05 a.m.: Introduction — Javed Iqbal, assistant professor of soil nutrient management and water quality, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • 9:05 – 9:10 a.m.: Scratch card activity — Aaron Nygren, water and cropping systems extension educator, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • 9:10 – 9:30 a.m.: The Future of Nitrogen Management in Nebraska — Richard Ferguson, keynote speaker and professor of soil and water sciences, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
  • 9:30 – 9:50 a.m.: Performance of Enhance Efficiency Fertilizers — Javed Iqbal
  • 9:50 – 10:20 a.m.: Digital UNL Nitrogen Calculator Demonstration and Activity — Javed Iqbal and Aaron Nygren
  • 10:20 – 10:30 a.m.: Break
  • 10:30 – 11 a.m.: Performance of Biological Products 
  • 11 – 11:40 a.m.: Farmer panel discussion on 4Rs of nitrogen management
  • 11:40 a.m. – Noon: 4Rs Cost-Share Funds and Process — Corey Brubaker, USDA NRCS state conservation agronomist
  • Noon – 12:05 p.m.: Scratch card activity — Aaron Nygren
  • 12:05 – 12:55 p.m.: Lunch (provided)
  • 1 – 3 p.m.: Afternoon session – Nutrient Management Demonstration in the Field
    • Location A (one hour): Performance of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers and Pivot Bio
    • Location B (one hour): Drone Demonstration for Improved Nitrogen Management
  • 3 p.m.: Adjourn

The event counts as 4.5 CEUs on nutrient management. Attendance at the event will count toward Lower Platte North NRD nitrogen certification.

The field day is free, but registration is required for participation. More information is on the 4Rs Field Day page.

For more information, contact Javed Iqbal, extension specialist and assistant professor of agronomy, at 402-472-1432.


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