Oats - An Excellent Fall Forage in 6-8 Weeks

August 1, 2019
If you have good soil moisture, consider planting oats for fall forage. It grows fast, thrives under cool fall conditions, and can produce over 2 tons of hay or pasture yet this year.

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Nebraska Wheat Crop Forecast at 51.4 mil bu, up 4% from 2018

July 11, 2019
Nebraska wheat yield per acre and total production are estimated to be higher than in 2018, while the area to be harvested is down 4% from 2018. Oat production is forecast at 1.56 million bushels, up 3% from last year.

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soybean field
Figure 1. USDA NASS reported June 4 that 95% of the state's soybean crop had been planted and 77% had emerged. (Photo by Todd Whitney)

Crop Conditions: Corn 87% Good-Excellent, Soybean 86% Good-Excellent

June 4, 2018

With recent rains, Nebraska's corn and soybean crops were faring well across much of the state. Corn condition was rated 78% good and 9% excellent and soybean was rated 78% good and 8% excellent for the week ending June 3.

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Winter Wheat 58% Good to Excellent

April 9, 2018

Winter wheat condition in Nebraska was rated 12% excellent, 46% good, 34% fair, 7% poor, and 1% very poor, according to the April 9 report from USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Growers Report Oats Not Performing As Expected

June 16, 2016

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been bombarded with questions about why oats are short and heading out early. I’m still looking for the answer.

Oats are becoming more and more popular as an inexpensive, reliable forage. The crop tends to thrive during cool, wet springs, such as we had this year from mid-April through May, which further begs the question as to why they’re so short.

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Nebraska Wheat Condition 60% Good-Excellent

April 5, 2016

For the week ending April 3 temperatures varied widely across Nebraska, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Parts of the Panhandle experienced below normal temperatures, while large portions of eastern Nebraska experienced temperatures up to five degrees above normal.

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Pros & Cons of Using Companion Crops When Planting Alfalfa

March 24, 2016

Alfalfa often may be seeded with a companion crop like oats to control weeds and erosion and provide a crop of grain or hay.  Clear seeding alfalfa alone, without a companion crop, also works well.  A preplant herbicide like trifluralin, Balan or Eptam often is sprayed and incorporated first to control weeds in a clear seeding, but a herbicide isn't always necessary.  So, which p

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