Crop Progress: Crop Conditions Improve Following Widespread Rain
July 10, 2023
Nebraska crop conditions and topsoil moisture improved slightly across the board after last week's rainfall, and crop growth progressed near average pace for most crops.
Nebraska June 1, 2023 Grain Stocks
July 6, 2023
Most Nebraska grain stocks were down considerably as of June 1, with wheat leading the deficit at 61% lower than June 2022 stocks.
2023 Nebraska Acreage
July 6, 2023
While corn, soybean and dry edible bean planted acreage is down slightly from last year, winter wheat acreage is up 17% in Nebraska.
Crop Progress: Winter Wheat Harvest Begins in Nebraska
July 6, 2023
Winter wheat harvest was at 3% as of July 2, lagging behind last year's pace by 19%.
Crop Progress: Planting Nears Finish Line, Slight Improvement in Crop Conditions
June 26, 2023
Dry edible bean planting was 98% complete in Nebraska as of June 25, bringing an end to planting season for the summer of 2023.
Crop Progress: Slight Downturn in Corn, Soybean Conditions
June 21, 2023
Crop conditions for corn and soybean fell for the second week in Nebraska, while winter wheat and oats have experienced a slight uptick in condition since early June.
Crop Progress: Sorghum, Dry Bean Planting Back on Track
June 13, 2023
Sorghum and dry edible beans have returned to near-average planting pace thanks to a surge in fieldwork last week, and more than 90% of planted corn and soybeans have emerged in Nebraska.
Crop Progress: Sorghum, Dry Bean Planting Falls Further Behind in Nebraska
June 7, 2023
As of June 4, progress on sorghum and dry edible bean planting was significantly behind last year's pace, and soybean planting was nearly finished.