Protecting Liquidity with Tax Planning
July 21, 2022
After rising prices and excellent yields in 2021 created the largest net farm income on record, Nebraska Farm Business experts share strategies for protecting liquidity.
NFBI Averages Show Crop Operations Buoyed Up by Livestock in 2017
May 17, 2018
The 2017 averages from farm and ranch operations serviced by Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. were recently released and show more polarization among healthy and non-healthy financial situations among the group. With the downturn in crop prices, operations that did not adapt are struggling.
Farm Finance Averages Show Some Light, Despite Concerning Ag Debt
May 3, 2017
Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. recently completed its financial averages for 2016. These averages represent producers across the state who participate in this financial analysis program. Nebraska Farm Business Inc. provides producers with a comprehensive analysis of the financial health of their business, including their accrual basis net farm income (the true earnings of the business), an earned net worth change, cost of production, 21 financial ratios, and more. Each year the data collected from these farms’ records is averaged to provide participants with information to benchmark their operations. Taking a closer look at these averages also indicates shifting trends across these farms and ranches.