Nebraska Extension Event

Figure 1. The new dicamba and Enlist herbicides require specific nozzle types for application. Check the product label before spraying to ensure you have the correct nozzle. (Photos by Bob Klein)
Figure 1. The new dicamba and Enlist herbicides require specific nozzle types for application. Check the product label before spraying to ensure you have the correct nozzle. (Photos by Bob Klein)

University & Sprayer Co. Experts to Address Dicamba and Enlist Application

November 2, 2017
Learn how to achieve maximum performance while avoiding injury to conventional and non-Xtend soybeans at a Nov. 15 Sprayer Clinic. The clinic, which will be held at the University of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, will focus on application of the new dicamba and Enlist herbicides.

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2 Grain Marketing Workshops to be Rescheduled

October 31, 2017

Due to delayed harvest progress, the first two November Grain Marketing Workshops have been cancelled and are expected to be rescheduled for January. Watch CropWatch for further information on the new dates.

Cancelled were:

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Sample ag land lease

4 Ag Land Lease Workshops Scheduled

October 23, 2017
The Ag Land Lease programs are designed to help landlords and tenants develop leases that work well for both parties. The program will cover: understanding the latest land values and cash rental rates, communication and information sharing between a tenant and landlord, common lease provisions, and lease termination, among other topics.

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Nebraska Crop Insurance Workshop Nov. 1 in Grand Island

October 20, 2017

"Making Risk Management Decisions in a Difficult Farm Economy" is the theme of the 2017 Crop Insurance Workshop to be held Nov. 1 at Grand Island. It will be held at the Heartland Event Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Road.

Workshops also will be held in Brush, Colorado (Oct. 31), Salina, Kansas (November 2); and Enid, Oklahoma (November 3).

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Nebraska Crop Insurance Workshop Nov. 1 in Grand Island

October 20, 2017

"Making Risk Management Decisions in a Difficult Farm Economy" is the theme of the 2017 Crop Insurance Workshop to be held Nov. 1 at Grand Island. It will be held at the Heartland Event Center, 700 E. Stolley Park Road.

Workshops also will be held in Brush, Colorado (Oct. 31), Salina, Kansas (November 2); and Enid, Oklahoma (November 3).

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a chart

Two Types of Grain Marketing Workshops this Fall

October 10, 2017
Two grain marketing workshops will be offered at sites across Nebraska this fall to help grain producers minimize losses during this time of low prices. They are "Introduction to Futures and Options" and "Developing Grain Marketing Plans."

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Bohling Farm
Figure 1. At the Rob and Trent Bohling Farm near Johnson a cover crop mix of oats, turnips, radishes, and volunteer wheat was planted after wheat and is being compared with an area with no cover crop. The experiment is to evaluate and compare crop yields and soil properties among three systems: cover crops, cover crops followed by grazing, and no cover crop. (Photos by Gary Lesoing)

Cover Crop Field Day and Tour Sept. 19 in Southeast Nebraska

September 14, 2017
Nebraska Extension, North Central SARE, NRCS, and the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition are sponsoring a Cover Crop Field Day and Tour Tuesday, September 19 in southeast Nebraska. View multiple cover crop mixes and hear from researchers studying various aspects of their production and use.

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John Wilson with bees
Nebraska Extension Educator John Wilson will show pollinator friendly landscaping and pollinator plantings in CRP at the Aug. 18 Pollinator Field Day at Tekamah.

Pollinator Field Day Aug. 18 at Tekamah

August 10, 2017
Learn about the value of bees as pollinators and get up close and friendly with a hive (only if you choose to don a bee suit) at the Eastern Nebraska Pollinator Field Day Aug. 18 in Tekamah.

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