N Field Observations

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This Week on N Field: Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode to Reclaim Lost Yield

November 15, 2023
Now is the best time of year to begin your soybean cyst nematode management program — watch this episode of N Field to learn more about SCN testing and management best practices.

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This Week on N Field: Dry Edible Bean Harvest Methods

November 15, 2023
Learn more about the benefits and process of direct harvesting, a method favored by a growing number of western Nebraska producers for their upright bean varieties.

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This Week on N Field: Identifying Female Palmer Amaranth Plants

November 3, 2023
Learn more about how to distinguish female Palmer amaranth plants from their counterparts, and techniques for mitigating seed dispersal during corn harvest.

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This Week on N Field: Frost and Prussic Acid

October 27, 2023
Sorghum, soghum-sudan and milo are great options for fall grazing, but producers should be cautious of frost damage and prussic acid prior to putting cattle out to graze.

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This Week on N Field: Ear Rots and Storage Considerations

October 13, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman shares tips on scouting for ear rots during corn harvest and avoiding mold development in bins.   

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This Week on N Field: Push Test for Corn Stalk Rot

September 29, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman explains how to conduct a push test to identify stalk rot before harvesting your corn fields.

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This Week on N Field: Iron Deficiency Chlorosis

September 22, 2023
Nebraska Extension Educator Chuck Burr highlights management practices for iron deficiency chlorosis in soybean fields.

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This Week on N Field: Palmer Amaranth in the Panhandle

September 22, 2023
This episode of N Field Observations discusses control practices for farmers battling Palmer amaranth and an emergency measure the EPA is currently considering to provide assistance.

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