Land Leases

Offered since 2019, Land Management Quarterly addresses common management issues for Nebraska landowners, agricultural operators, and related stakeholders interested in the latest insight on trends in real estate, managing agricultural land, and solutions for addressing challenges in the upcoming growing season. (Real Ag Stock photo)

Ag Land Management Webinar to Offer Latest on Cash Rents, Lease Arrangements for 2024

July 23, 2024
The August webinar will cover recent findings from the 2024 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report and conclude with a live "Ask the Experts" session.

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Land management webinar banner
The Agricultural Land Management Quarterly webinars address common management issues for Nebraska landowners, ag operators and related stakeholders. To review historical land management webinars, visit the Center for Ag Profitability.

Latest Agricultural Land Management Quarterly Webinar Now Available Online

June 6, 2024
The May webinar examined the latest average cash rental rates in the state and offered insight on adjusting rental rates considering current commodity prices this year.

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Young row crop plants in field
Attendees of Land Management Quarterly can submit questions to the presenters prior to the webinar using the questionnaire form on the Land Management Quarterly website (link in article).

Ag Land Management Webinar to Offer Latest On Cash Rents, Changing Commodity Prices For 2024

May 8, 2024
The May 20 webinar will examine the latest average cash rental rates in the state, how to adjust rental rates with regard to current commodity prices, and will include a Q&A session for participants. 

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Cow standing in pasture
This webinar on pasture lease considerations features discussion by Anastasia Meyer, extension agricultural economist, UNL Center for Agricultural Profitability; and Aaron Berger, livestock systems educator, Nebraska Extension.

Pasture Lease Provisions in 2024

April 11, 2024
This Center for Agricultural Profitability webinar reviews lease provisions that producers should have in pasture leases, as well as information about beef cow share agreements.

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Farm family walking in field
Two upcoming land management webinars will include information tailored to different regions of the state — March 27 will be more relevant to western and central Nebraska residents, and March 28 will be for eastern Nebraska residents. (CAP photo)

Land and Leasing Webinars to Cover Cash Rents, Landlord-tenant Issues for 2024

March 15, 2024
Two upcoming workshops will review a wide variety of land management concerns for Nebraska producers, from land value trends and cash rents to creating estate plans.

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Gated fence on Nebraska pasture
Drought adds another layer of complication to the process of establishing fair pasture rental rates. Landowners renting pasture in severe drought-impacted regions might consider pricing leases based on grazing animal unit months or rent per head per month of grazing, rather than flat rates per acre or cow-calf pair.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Pasture Leasing Rates and Alfalfa Winter Survival

February 22, 2024
Extension educators share insights on establishing pasture rental rates and selecting alfalfa seed for winter survival traits.

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Field of corn
The February Land Management Quarterly webinar will include an “Ask the Experts” session, allowing participants to get answers to their land or lease questions.

Ag Land Management Webinar Feb. 19 to Offer Updates on Cash Rents, Leasing for 2024

February 15, 2024
The Center for Agricultural Profitability's first Land Management Quarterly of 2024 will cover the latest trends in Nebraska cash rental rates, new leasing considerations, and more on Feb. 19.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
Properly testing hay and adjusting mineral and livestock diets during the winter are important steps in minimizing the risk of issues like tetany and nitrate poisoning.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Pasture Leases and Winter Hay Nutrition

January 30, 2024
Extension educators review factors that affect the success of pasture grazing leases, and how to avoid toxicity and malnutrition through livestock feed during the winter.

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