Land Leases

Sample ag land lease

4 Ag Land Lease Workshops Scheduled

October 23, 2017
The Ag Land Lease programs are designed to help landlords and tenants develop leases that work well for both parties. The program will cover: understanding the latest land values and cash rental rates, communication and information sharing between a tenant and landlord, common lease provisions, and lease termination, among other topics.

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Farmers shaking hands

Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 2, 2017
Some farm leases are not written, but are verbal or "handshake" agreements, the details of which may be remembered differently by both parties. This article addresses the deadline for giving termination notice for crop land leases (Sept. 1), how the requirements differ for crop and pasture lands, and links to sample written leases.

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cattle grazing on drought damaged-pasture
Drought can severely reduce the carrying capacity of a pasture, as shown in this 2012 Nebraska photo.

Plan for Drought When Negotiating Your Pasture Lease

January 19, 2017
Do you rent pasture? What happens if drought develops this summer and lowers pasture production below expectations? Specifically, what does your pasture lease say about drought?

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Ag Land Lease Workshops Set for this Fall

October 3, 2016
The Landlord/Tenant Cash Lease Workshops will be offered across Nebraska this November and December. These workshops are designed to help landlords and tenants develop a lease that is right for both parties while maintaining positive farm leasing relations. Some sites will also feature extended workshops on flexible ag leases.

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Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 16, 2016
Notice of termination of oral farm land leases must be made six months in advance of the end of the lease or no later than Aug. 31. The lease would then expire Feb. 28, 2017. This article includes a link to sample lease forms.

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So You've Inherited a Farm — Now What?

April 6, 2016

A new series of Extension farm management programs, "So You've Inherited a Farm — Now What?" continues in mid-April with important information to help you understand and manage this new investment. Whether you grew up on the farm or visited for holidays, as new owners you will want to familiarize yourself with what it means to own it.

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Ag Land Lease Considerations for 2015

January 9, 2015

During uncertain financial times such as these, tension can develop between landlords and tenants who become unsure as to whether their lease arrangement is fair. The best way to build mutual trust through these periods is to develop a clear two-way channel of communication and put any understandings in a written lease.

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