
Figure 1. Corn in one of the irrigation research plots at the South Central Agricultural Lab was starting to show signs of stress Wednesday.
Figure 1. Corn in one of the irrigation research plots at the South Central Agricultural Lab was starting to show signs of stress Wednesday.

Soil Water Content- and Soil Matric Potential-Based Irrigation Trigger Values for Different Soil Types

July 11, 2019
Keeping a close eye on soil water content in individual fields can help optimize irrigation efficiency. This article explores how to use research-based trigger points for various soil types using soil water content-based sensors or soil matric potential-based sensors. Nebraska research has shown that having 25% more water than needed in the maize root-zone reduced grain yields as much as 15 bu/ac.

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Combining corn
About one-third of the producer corn and soybean fields studied were successful in achieving high yields within irrigated water requirements.

Study: High Crop Yields Are Compatible with Prescribed Irrigation Levels

June 18, 2019
New research from University of Nebraska researchers has found that one-third of studied fields achieved high crop yields without surpassing prescribed irrigation levels.

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Figure 1. Fuel gauges help us determine how long until we need to put fuel in the tank and how much it will hold. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a gauge on your crop to tell you when to irrigate? Learn more about how soil water monitoring equipment can provide you similar information at two workshops on June 19 in Aurora and June 25 in York.

Workshops Focus on Irrigation Scheduling to Save Money, Water Even in Wet Years

June 14, 2019
Installing soil water monitors and making irrigation scheduling decisions based on sensor data will be the focus of two luncheon workshops this month in central Nebraska.

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Planting plots in the 2019 UNL-TAPS program
Figure 1. Planting plots in the 2019 UNL-TAPS program at the West Central Research and Education Center near North Platte. (Photos by Krystle Rhoades)

Hybrid Selection Sets TAPS Contests Up for a Unique Year

May 30, 2019
Competitors in the three divisions of this year's UNL-TAPS contest have selected their seed and seeding rate. Additional research was added this year to look at production functions such as seed selection.

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Xin Qiao (left), irrigation and water management specialist and principal investigator, and Jack Whittier, Panhandle Center Director of Research and Extension, accept the award from the Nebraska Environmental Trust fund to establish SDI research with livestock effluent.

NET Awards Grant for Subsurface Drip Irrigation System with Feedlot

April 26, 2019
The Nebraska Environmental Trust has awarded a grant to construct a subsurface drip irrigation system that uses feedlot effluent to irrigate crop fields. The practice will be evaluated as a potential means to better manage the state's limited water resources, an ongoing research priority of the University of Nebraska.

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Growers and industry represenatives gather at the kick-off gathering for the 2019 UNL-TAPS competitions

UNL-TAPS Participation Increasing in 2019

April 3, 2019
Over 100 participants in 49 teams will be competing in this year's UNL-TAPS competitions for irrigated corn, irrigated sorghum, and Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI). Based on program success in the first three years, Oklahoma State University has started OSU-TAPS.

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Flooded center pivot east of Schuyler (Photo by Aaron Nygren)
Flooded center pivot east of Schuyler (Photo by Aaron Nygren)

Management Recommendations for Irrigation Equipment Affected by Flooding

March 25, 2019
As waters drain and soils dry out, part of the recovery process will include checking irrigation systems for damage and performing maintenance/repair before those systems can be used. Here's what to check in your power unit, irrigation well, and center pivot.

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Chart of grain yield and crop water use efficiency for chickpeas and field peas under dryland, deficit, and full irrigation.

Yield and Water Use of Field Peas and Chickpeas Under Irrigation

March 21, 2019
This study, conducted in southwest Nebraska, investigated the feasibility of field pea and chickpea production under irrigation and evaluated their potential for water conservation in irrigated cropping systems.

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