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Infographic: Cover Crops

If replanting after a hail event is not an option, integrating cover crops into post-hail management practices may be an option. This infographic shares what you need to know about cover crops: benefits, interseeding, and selection.

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Infographic: Replanting Considerations

Hail causes the most uncertainty in late May through June due to plant growth stage and the final crop insurance planting date. During this time, many farmers find themselves asking the replant question. This infographic highlights what factors to consider when making the decision to replant or not.

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Infographic: Managing a Recovering Crop

Hail can strike late enough in the growing season that replanting isn’t a feasible option. This infographic focuses on several considerations for managing a recovering crop.

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Infographic: Crop Insurance and Risk Management

Developing a good relationship with your crop insurance agent is important, especially when it comes to managing your hail risk. In this infographic, learn the three questions you should ask your insurance agent.

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Infographic: Crop Damage Assessment

If your field was on the receiving end of a hail-producing storm, you may have a lot of questions. What should I do first? When should I scout my fields for damage? Who should I contact and when? Find out the answer to these questions and more in this infographic.

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Infographic: Hail Events and Damage

Hail impacts many communities and industries on a yearly basis, producing annual economic losses in excess of $1 billion. In this infographic, discover how hail is formed, its seasonal impacts, and why the Great Plains is the right place when it comes to hail-producing storms.

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Hailed corn
Hailed corn

Correct Timing Makes the Best Silage

August 17, 2017
Correct moisture and timing are critical to making good silage. Too wet and the product may be sour and less palatable. Too dry and it may be hard to pack and store. Just right and you'll make good feed and more profit.

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Corn plant injured by hail
Figure 1. Corn plant exhibiting abnormal growth (wrapped or tied leaves) after being damaged by hail. (Photo by Justin McMechan)

Crop Hail Damage Resources

June 14, 2017
Check out these resources from Nebraska Extension and CropWatch on assessing hail damage to crops. View a seven-day time lapse video of how corn hailed at the V4 growth stage recovers.

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