Grass Management

Cattle grazing pasture
Cattle graze in tall grasses. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Grass and Grazing Webinar Series Scheduled in October and November

October 12, 2023
The webinar series will cover topics of grass species selection, calculating stocking rates, developing grazing plans, understanding insurance as a drought risk management tool, and more.

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Nebraska grassland

USDA Announces Grassland Conservation Reserve Program Signup for 2023

April 21, 2023
Farmers and ranchers have until May 26 to sign up for the Grassland CRP through their local USDA Service Center.

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Cattle in pasture
If there are changes to your animal intake or pasture productivity, it can disrupt the balance of your stocking rate. Annual evaluation is necessary to maintain an equitable distribution of animals on your pastures.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Adjusting Stocking Rates, Baleage Equipment and Summer Annual Grass Control

April 15, 2021
Extension Educators Ben Beckman and Brad Schick review the importance of analyzing and adjusting stocking rates, equipment required for proper haylage and baleage, and controlling pesky summer annual grasses.

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A New NebGuide: Perennial Grass or Grass-Legume in Rotation with Annual Crops

March 29, 2019
Including perennial grass or a grass-legume mixture in up to a nine-year rotation may help improve soil productivity and profitability while achieving other benefits.

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Field of cover crops

Native Warm-Season Grass Management and Planting Decisions for Alternative Forages

January 9, 2019
One of the most important drivers of productivity and cost effectiveness of annual forages is planting date. Having realistic planting date expectations is one key to proper species selection.

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