Millets for a Sustainable Future
September 15, 2023
New research is being conducted in the Nebraska Panhandle on ways to increase production of millets, an ideal dryland crop with short growth duration and exceptional nutrition, particularly for gluten-sensitive and diabetic individuals.
Cover Crops a Focus at Annual WREEC Water and Crops Field Day
September 1, 2023
Producers at the field day swapped ideas and observations about cover crop production, and heard from extension educators and agronomists about best practices for their agricultural regions.
USDA Announces Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funding Awarded to Nebraska
September 1, 2023
Some of the projects to be funded by the grant feature research on mitigating adverse effects of diseases in dry beans, evaluating the effectiveness of tomato varieties, and the development of new irrigation technology.
2023 Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Day
August 31, 2023
The Sept. 19 event will feature research updates on Rogers Memorial Farm's 43-year tillage study, cover crop selection and performance, and more.
2023 Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa and Wheat Expo Set for Aug. 24
August 17, 2023
This year's expo will feature seminars and research updates on the UNL wheat breeding program, wheat fungicide seed treatments, alfalfa variety selection, alfalfa aphids and weevils, and more.
West Central to Host 19th Annual Water and Crops Field Day
August 4, 2023
This free field day will feature producer and industry panels on covers crops and USDA's Climate Smart Initiatives, as well as field tours and demos on irrigation sensing tools, cover crops, western bean cutworm and drones in pesticide application.
See Latest Field Research at South Central Ag Lab Field Day Aug. 1
July 24, 2023
The 2023 SCAL Field Day is free to attend and will feature presentations on fertigation, nutrient and irrigation technology, and new research and strategies on controlling disease, insects and weeds in corn and soybean.
Sunset Seminars to Explore Capabilities and Impacts of Image-based Nitrogen Management
July 13, 2023
Free to attend, the Sunset Seminars will provide growers and agronomists a look at results from several Nebraska producers who have trialed Sentinel Fertigation's new N-Time™ software this growing season.