Farm Management

Family farm members
Lance Cheung/USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

Keys to Successful Farm Transition Planning

July 22, 2021
Extension educator Allan Vyhnalek reviews the issues and goals a farm or ranch family should consider while planning a transition in their operation.

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USDA NRCS Montana (Flickr/Public Domain)

Successful Grain Marketing Focuses on Establishing a Financially Successful Farm Price

July 22, 2021
This Center for Agricultural Profitability article highlights the role of expected revenue in relation to production costs in making the grain marketing decision as well as the creation and importance of your farm’s average selling price.

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Combine in field
USDA NRCS (Flickr/Public Domain)

Long Term Profitability, Balance and Growth of the Farm or Ranch Business

July 22, 2021
Nebraska Extension Agricultural Economist Matt Stockton examines the relationship between profitability and farm management in a balanced operation, and what it takes to be a skilled agriculturalist.

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Farmer on land
USDA/Flickr (Public Domain)

Ag Land Management, Leasing Workshops Scheduled Across State

July 15, 2021
Nebraska Extension and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability will host a series of 12 land management workshops across the state between July 22 and Sept. 8.

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Farmer harvesting field
USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

Calculating Field Operation Costs with ABC and Setting Harvest Rates

July 15, 2021
Nebraska Extension Educator Glennis McClure reviews the rates reported in the 2020 biennial custom rates report and how to utilize the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics’ new Ag Budget Calculator program.

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Corn field
Igor Haritanovich/Pexels

Impacts of Crop Insurance and Intra-season Hedging on Long-run Net Income Risk

July 15, 2021
Results of a recent study on privately funded tools, such as hedging grain on the futures market, and publicly funded tools, such as government subsidized crop insurance to investigate the role of intra-season hedging strategies and crop insurance.

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IANR Launches Center for Agricultural Profitability

June 29, 2021
The new center focuses on research, extension outreach and education related to profitability and supporting informed decision-making and management choices for farmers and ranchers.

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Get Lost Mike/Pexels

Ag Carbon Credit Contract Checklist

June 29, 2021
With considerable interest in selling carbon credits in the agriculture industry, farmers should carefully consider the financial implications of a carbon contract before meeting with an aggregator.

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