Ag Producers Encouraged to take Succession Survey
September 6, 2017
Nebraska farmers and ranchers are invited to take a confidential, online survey about their farm or ranch succession plans. Responses will be used to design educational materials, a website, and develop programs specific to Nebraska producers.
Q&A on the IRS Portability Rule
March 1, 2017
A 2013 tax law change–the portability rule–can simplify farm and ranch estate planning. Farm and ranch families still need to do estate planning to develop and implement farm or ranch business transition plans so that the farm or ranch can continue to be successfully operated by the next generation. This Q&A addresses a number of questions.
Farm Succession Workshops Set for St. Paul and Beatrice
February 14, 2017
Farm and ranch business succession and estate planning will be the focus of workshops in St. Paul and Beatrice. The free workshops will be from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the St. Paul Civic Center Feb. 23 and the Extension Office at the Gage County Fairgrounds March 1.
4 Estate Planning Workshops in January-February
January 10, 2017
Workshops on business succession and estate planning for farm and ranch owners, families and beginners will be held at four sites this January and February.
Nebraska’s Estate Plan for your Farm
January 10, 2017
What happens if you die without leaving a will or trust? This article explains the provisions in Nebraska laws for administering your estate and transferring your assets, as well as who may have to pay inheritance taxes.
Farm and Ranch Business Succession & Estate Planning Workshops in Bridgeport, Chadron
January 6, 2017
Workshops on business succession and estate planning for farm and ranch owners, families and beginners will be presented Jan. 25 at Bridgeport and Chadron.