Estate Planning

Steps on a hillside

Accounting for Agriculture: Step Up While Passing Down

December 11, 2018
A major consideration in estate planning is the transfer of assets to the next generation. Using step-up in basis can allow for the sale of long-held farm ground that appreciated in value, with little to no capital gain issues.

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Ag Estate Planning Workshops this January in West Point and Blair

December 14, 2018
Designed to help anyone thinking about how they should proceed with plans to retire, exit, or transfer the farm or ranch business, these workshops are free but preregistration is required.

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Farm-Ranch Succession and Transition Workshops Nov. 5-7

October 16, 2018
Negotiating with family and understanding the difference between fair and equal will be among the topics addressed at Farm and Ranch Estate Planning workshops in western Nebraska Nov. 5-7.

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Farm/Ranch Transition Workshops: When You're Not in Control

September 28, 2018
A new series of Nebraska Extension farm/ranch transition workshops is designed for the "sandwich generation," the one falling between retiring grandparents and the grandchildren who may or may not be interested in returning to the operation. The workshops will cover family communication and financial and legal aspects.

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Graphic showing article title

Financial Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Ag Producers

August 22, 2018
As experts continue to interpret the new tax code, two things are certain for ag producers: The changes are far reaching and complex and in many cases, will result in a lower tax liability. This overview looks at several of the major changes affecting ag producers.

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Farm scene

Farm and Ranch Estate Planning Workshops

March 2, 2018
Farm and ranch estate planning workshops will be held at four sites in March. The workshops offer information on how farm and ranch estates can be passed to ensure the financial stability of families.

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Invitation to Succession Survey

Ag Producers Encouraged to take Succession Survey

September 6, 2017
Nebraska farmers and ranchers are invited to take a confidential, online survey about their farm or ranch succession plans. Responses will be used to design educational materials, a website, and develop programs specific to Nebraska producers.

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Cornhusker Economics. Links to full article.

Q&A on the IRS Portability Rule

March 1, 2017
A 2013 tax law change–the portability rule–can simplify farm and ranch estate planning. Farm and ranch families still need to do estate planning to develop and implement farm or ranch business transition plans so that the farm or ranch can continue to be successfully operated by the next generation. This Q&A addresses a number of questions.

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