Crop Reports

Wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 60% Good-Excellent Condition

February 27, 2024
As of Feb. 25, winter wheat condition and soil moisture supplies rated slightly below January totals.

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Immature soybean plants in field
See Nebraska's county level estimates for 2023 row crops here.

Nebraska County-level Commodity Estimates

February 27, 2024
County-level estimates for 2023 row crops in Nebraska are now available on USDA NASS's Quickstats database.

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Green wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at Nearly 70% Good-Excellent Condition

January 31, 2024
January's precipitation was a boon for Nebraska, improving "good" winter wheat standings by 23% and adequate-surplus topsoil moisture supplies by 26%.

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Tractor planting wheat in field
Historical winter wheat seeding reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Winter Wheat Seedings for 2024

January 18, 2024
Winter wheat seeded area in Nebraska is down from 2023, according to the latest USDA NASS estimates.

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Oat field at sunset
Historical grain stocks data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska Dec. 1, 2023 Grain And Hay Stocks

January 18, 2024
All Nebraska grain and hay stocks were up as of Dec. 1, 2023, with oats leading at an increase of 118% over 2022.

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Proso millet and peas side by side
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska 2023 Annual Crop Production Summary

January 18, 2024
Proso millet took the lead for 2023 crop production in Nebraska, increasing 203% over the prior year. Dry edible pea and sorghum estimates also reflect a significant boost in the state's production, increasing 178% and 139%, respectively.

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Wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 48% Good-Excellent Condition

January 4, 2024
While winter wheat condition has remained unchanged since the last NASS report in November, soil moisture supplies experienced a decline during the mild weather in December.

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Russet potatoes in a pile
Historical potato production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Dec. 1 Potato Stocks

December 19, 2023
Russet potato production in Nebraska is up 29% from last year, according to USDA NASS's latest report.

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