Cover Crops

Figure 1. Cover crop trials were conducted in 2017-2018 at the UNL Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln to discover the impact of several practices on management of winter- and summer-annual weeds.
Figure 1. Cover crop trials were conducted in 2017-2018 at the UNL Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln to discover the impact of several practices on management of winter- and summer-annual weeds.

Using Cover Crops as a Weed Management Tool for Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

January 9, 2019
Cover crop research trials were conducted in 2017-2018 at the UNL Havelock Research Farm near Lincoln to discover the impact of soybean maturity group, planting date, termination date, and herbicide use on on management of winter- and summer-annual weeds.

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Hairy vetch cover crop

Impact of Cover Crop Management on Rainfed Corn Production in Western Nebraska

January 9, 2019
Researchers report their findings from a one-year cover crop study at two sites in western Nebraska to study the impact of planting and termination dates and cover crop species selection. This article is part of the Crop Production Clinic Proceedings 2019.

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Tyler Williams speaks at one of the 2018 Successful Farmer sessions
Tyler Williams, climate and crops extension educator in Lancaster County, speaks at one of the 2018 Successful Farmer sessions.

Extension Successful Farmer Series Starts January 4

December 12, 2018
Friday mornings from Jan. 4 to Feb. 8 Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County will host a meeting series on timely topics for eastern Nebraska farmers. Can't get into town that day? The sessions will also be live streamed.

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Cover crops in eastern Nebraska
Cover crops planted in eastern Nebraska

Cover Crop Management Day Jan. 16

December 11, 2018
NRCS and Nebraska Extension are hosting a Cover Crop Management Day Jan. 16 at Columbus. Featured speakers include SDSU Agronomist Dwayne Beck and a panel of cover crop farmers.

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Earthworms in a field of cover crops.

Southeast Nebraska Cover Crop Tour and Workshop Nov. 20

November 9, 2018
View an array of cover crop systems in southeast Nebraska, hear from farmers using cover crops, and learn about integrating livestock during this free bus tour. Register now to ensure your seat and lunch.

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Figure 1. Drilling cereal rye into corn stubble in Dodge County, October 19, 2018.
Figure 1. Drilling cereal rye into corn stubble in Dodge County, October 19, 2018. (Photo by Katja Koehler-Cole)

It’s Not Too Late to Plant Cereal Rye as a Nitrogen Catch Crop Before Soybean

October 24, 2018
In trials conducted at three research stations in eastern, northeastern and south-central Nebraska, researchers investigated rye productivity and its ability to scavenge N when grown as a cover crop between full-season corn and soybeans.

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Podcast: A Row Crop Farmer's Perspective on Cover Crops and Cattle Grazing

September 27, 2018
Chad Dane, a farmer from Clay County, Nebraska, discusses his experience using cover crops in a corn-soybean rotation on this week's UNL BeefWatch podcast.

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Video preview. Links to full article.

Video: Forage-Livestock Options and Cover Crops Following Hail Damage in Corn or Soybean

This presentation covers cover crop forage options following hail damage in corn and soybean fields, recommended planting date, use of warm- versus cool-season grasses, recommended grazing strategies, and available resources. Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension Forage Crop Residue Specialist.

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