Cover Crop Management Day Jan. 16

December 11, 2018

Cover Crop Management Day Jan. 16

Cover crops in eastern Nebraska
Cover crops planted in eastern Nebraska

NRCS and Nebraska Extension are hosting a Cover Crop Management Day Jan. 16 at Columbus. Speakers will include Dwayne Beck, South Dakota State University professor and research manager at Dakota Lakes Research Farm in Pierre, S.D., and a panel of area farmers using cover crops led by Daren Redfearn, Nebraska Extension forage crop residue specialist.

Program topics will include cover crops, residue management, soil health, how to incorporate grazing, and crop rotation.

The event will be at Ag Park, 822 15th St., and includes a free lunch. Registration is $10. Individuals can register online at or by calling 402-563-4901, preferably by Jan. 14. Walk-in registrations also will be accepted.

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