
Leafy spurge closeup
Leafy spurge spreads aggressively and is difficult to control once established. Several herbicides are labeled for control of this weed, but continued monitoring and retreatments are necessary for best results.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Leafy Spurge and Alfalfa Weevil, Planting Warm-season Annuals

May 28, 2024
Strategies for reducing spread of leafy spurge and scouting for alfalfa weevil, plus insights on selecting and planting warm-season annuals.

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Annual forage field
This webinar reviews the pros and cons of adding an annual forage into crop rotations, with insights from Mary Drewnoski, extension beef systems specialist, Jay Parsons, extension farm and ranch management specialist, and Daren Redfearn, extension crop residue specialist. (USDA NRCS photo)

Measuring Up: Annual Forage vs. Row Crop

May 10, 2024
This webinar highlights the economics and production benefits of incorporating annual forage systems into crop rotations for producers interested in diversifying their operation.

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Musk thistle
For pastures with noxious weed thistles like this musk thistle, now is the time for spring herbicide applications, while the plants are still in the short rosette to bolted growth stages prior to flowering. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Selecting Summer Forages, Thistle Control Options

May 9, 2024
Insights on pasture rental rates, selecting summer forage based on needs for your operation, and control options for noxious weed thistles in pastures.

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Cattle grazing pasture under storm clouds
While most areas in Nebraska have received good snowfall or rain this winter, there is always some uncertainty for spring and summer precipitation. So, the key first step in devising a successful spring and summer grazing and forage strategy is to develop or adjust a good drought plan for your operation.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Understanding Fall Dormancy in Alfalfa, Planning Summer Grazing

February 27, 2024
Extension educators share growth impacts of fall dormancy in alfalfa and recommendations for building your spring and summer grazing and forage plans.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Frost and Prussic Acid

October 27, 2023
Sorghum, soghum-sudan and milo are great options for fall grazing, but producers should be cautious of frost damage and prussic acid prior to putting cattle out to graze.

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Closeup of combine harvesting soybean
While soybean residue can be grazed, it has much lower crude protein levels than soybeans, so producers using soybean residue as feed should also supplement to meet a dry cow's nutrient requirements..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Prussic Acid Following Freeze, Soybean Residue for Forage

October 12, 2023
Learn more about avoiding prussic acid poisoning in sorghum following a freeze, and why producers should always supplement when feeding soybean residue.

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Frozen sorghum-sudangrass
Once a freeze occurs, it takes seven days for prussic acid to dissipate from forage sorghum species like sorghum-sudangrass. The hours immediately after a frost have the highest level of toxic compounds in these plants.

Frosted Sorghum and Prussic Acid

October 6, 2023
A review on how to safely graze forage sorghum species after freezing temperatures.

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Sunflower cover crop

Warm-season Species for Soil Health and Forage Purposes

July 27, 2023
Taking advantage of summer heat and abundant sunlight, warm-season cover crops can accumulate impressive amounts of biomass, cover bare ground quickly, suppress weeds, reduce erosion and improve soil health.

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